Posted On: Oct 18, 2023
AWS Resource Explorer now supports 12 more resource types from services including Amazon Cognito, AWS Elastic Beanstalk (EBS), and Amazon Elastic File System (EFS).
With this launch, customers can now use AWS Resource Explorer to search for and discover resources for the following newly supported resource types:
1. codebuild:project
2. codepipeline:pipeline
3. cognito:identitypool
4. cognito:userpool
5. ecr:repository
6. efs:filesystem
7. elasticbeanstalk:application
8. elasticbeanstalk:applicationversion
9. elasticbeanstalk:environment
10. iot:policy
11. iot:topicrule
12. states:statemachine
To view a complete list of all supported types, see the supported resource types page.