Posted On: Oct 4, 2023
Today, we are announcing the general availability of Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) binding extension support in the CoreWCF open source project. As you modernize your Windows Communications Foundation (WCF) based service-oriented applications using MSMQ bindings to cross-platform CoreWCF, you can now use Amazon SQS as one of the bindings.
CoreWCF bindings decide how the service endpoint should communicate with clients. As part of this open source contribution, we are publishing two NuGet packages, AWS.CoreWCF.Extensions (server side) and AWS.WCF.Extensions (client side). With Amazon SQS Queue transport bindings, customers can send SOAP messages to Amazon SQS via the WCF client and run CoreWCF services to receive and process those messages without changing any contract or service implementations. In addition, this transport provides the extensibility to attach callback methods that can trigger additional action such as Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) notifications and AWS Lambda invocations once a message is processed.
To learn more and get started, please visit the GitHub repository and blog post.