Posted On: Nov 28, 2023

Today, AWS announces a range of capabilities in preview in Amazon Q to supercharge work for developers and IT professionals and provide expert assistance when building, deploying, and operating applications and workloads on AWS. Amazon Q is a generative AI-powered assistant that can be tailored to your business, code, data, and operations.

Conversations with Amazon Q can help you use best practices to architect applications, explain source code and implement application functionality right in the IDE, upgrade application versions, and troubleshoot errors like network connectivity issues. Amazon Q has been trained on 17 years of high-quality AWS examples and documentation to provide guidance for every step of the process of building, deploying, maintaining, and operating applications on AWS. Amazon Q combines its expertise at building software with knowledge of your code base to help you understand your code, generate tests, fix bugs, and even help implement full features, all in a fraction of the time. Additionally, Amazon Q Code Transformation helps you upgrade your Java applications to the latest language version right in the IDE.

Amazon Q is available everywhere builders need it. You can find Amazon Q in the AWS Management Console, documentation, AWS website, your IDE through Amazon CodeWhisperer, or through AWS Chatbot in team chat rooms on Slack or Microsoft Teams. For Regional availability for specific Amazon Q in AWS capabilities, visit the Amazon Q Developer FAQs page.

To learn more about pricing, visit Amazon Q Developer pricing . To learn more about Amazon Q capabilities for builders, see the Amazon Q Developer page or read the blog post.