Posted On: Nov 14, 2023

AWS Lambda Console now supports two new capabilities by integrating with AWS Application Composer, making it easy for developers to either build their serverless applications visually or through IaC (Infrastructure as Code). First, developers can now view and download the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) template for their function as they configure it on the console. Second, at the click of a button, they can export their Lambda function to AWS Application Composer, retaining all the function configuration.

With this launch, developers can use the template view on the functions overview page to view the IaC template representing the current configuration of their function, including its triggers and destinations. They can also download this template to continue editing in their preferred IDE. The developers who wish to use the visual builder capabilities of AWS Application Composer can export their function from the Lambda console to the Application Composer console, to create a new serverless application project based on the configuration of their Lambda function. They can continue to evolve this project into a complete serverless application by visually composing their application architecture, connecting their function with a variety of supported AWS services.

The capabilities to view the SAM template on the Lambda console and export the function’s configuration to AWS Application Composer available in all regions App Composer is available.

To get started follow the tutorial of Using Lambda with infrastructure as code (IaC) in the AWS Lambda documentations.