Posted On: Apr 1, 2024

Amazon EventBridge announces improvements to the Learn page in the console that make it easier for you to learn and get started with event-driven architectures. With this new page, you can now learn the basics of event-driven architectures, explore EventBridge capabilities, and understand how best to use Event Buses, Pipes, and Scheduler in your applications.

Amazon EventBridge is comprised of Event Bus, Pipes, and Scheduler. Event Bus is a serverless event router that enables you to create scalable event-driven applications. Pipes provides a simple, consistent, and cost-effective way to create point-to-point integrations between event producers and consumers. Scheduler is a serverless scheduler that enables you to schedule tasks and events at scale.

Additional enhancements to the console include:

  • CloudFormation template export for Pipes now includes the option to generate the IAM role created using the console, making it easier to deploy your Pipe across other accounts or Regions.
  • A new Rules tab in the Event Bus detail page, so you can see the rules that have been created on that particular event bus
  • The monitoring tab in the Rule detail page now includes the following metrics: ThrottledRules, InvocationsSentToDlq and DeadLetterInvocations, making it easier to monitor your applications.

These new enhancements are available in: US East (Ohio and N. Virginia), US West (Oregon and N. California), Canada (Central), Europe (Paris, Stockholm, Ireland, Frankfurt, London, and Milan), Asia Pacific (Mumbai, Tokyo, Seoul, Singapore, Hong Kong, Osaka, Sydney and Jakarta), Middle East (Bahrain and UAE), Africa (Cape Town) and South America (São Paulo).