Introducing Amazon EC2 next generation high density Storage Optimized I7ie instances
Amazon Web Services is announcing general availability for next generation high density Storage Optimized I7ie instances. Designed for large storage I/O intensive workloads, I7ie instances are powered by 5th generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors with an all-core turbo frequency of 3.2 GHz, offering up to 40% better compute performance and 20% better price performance over existing I3en instances. I7ie instances have the highest local NVMe storage density in the cloud for storage optimized instances and offer up to twice as many vCPUs and memory compared to prior generation instances. Powered by 3rd generation AWS Nitro SSDs, I7ie instances deliver up to 65% better real-time storage performance, up to 50% lower storage I/O latency, and 65% lower storage I/O latency variability compared to I3en instances.
I7ie are high density storage optimized instances, ideal for workloads requiring fast local storage with high random read/write performance at very low latency consistency to access large data sets. I7ie instances also deliver 40% better compute performance to run more complex queries without increasing the storage density per vCPU. Additionally, the 16KB torn write prevention feature, enables customers to eliminate performance bottlenecks.
I7ie instances deliver up to 100Gbps of network bandwidth and 60Gbps of bandwidth for Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS).
I7ie instances are available in the US East (N. Virginia) AWS Region today. Customers can use these instances with On Demand and Savings Plan purchase options. To learn more, visit the I7ie instances page.