AWS Transfer Family
Easily manage and share data with simple, secure, and scalable file transfers
Easily migrate your file transfer workflows without impacting your existing connections and integrations.
Store information in Amazon S3 or Amazon EFS, manage workflows, and trigger automated, event-driven tasks with a fully-managed, low-code service.
Support thousands of concurrent users with access controls and quickly scale your business-to-business (B2B) file transfers for each line-of-business user.
Meet your security requirements with data encryption, VPC and FIPS endpoints, compliance certifications, PGP, and more.
How it works
Endpoints for file sharing
Applicability Statement 2 (AS2)
SFTP connectors
Endpoints for file sharing
Seamlessly migrate, automate, and monitor your file transfer workflows into and out of Amazon S3 and Amazon EFS using the SFTP, FTPS, and FTP protocols.
Applicability Statement 2 (AS2)
Quickly and securely transfer files between your partners, vendors, and customers using AWS Transfer Family’s fully managed service supporting file transfers into and out of Amazon S3 using the AS2 protocol.
SFTP connectors
SFTP connector simplifies copying data between remote SFTP servers and Amazon S3
Use cases
Modernize your managed file transfers
Modernizing secure file transfers with financial and healthcare institutions for regulated data like PCI, PII, or HIPAA.
Gain insights by growing your data lake
Connect disparate sources of B2B data between your business applications and purpose-built data lakes to enable real-time insights.
Improve collaboration across your trading partner network
Increasing trading partner connectivity and automating the transformation of EDI documents with AWS B2B Data Interchange to accelerate downstream data integrations into ERP, SCM, TMS, and other business critical applications.
Expand your content distribution business
Expand your subscriber reach with multiple connectivity options. Apply built-in, fine-grained access controls to protect your revenue.
How to get started
Learn more about the AWS Transfer Family
Explore FAQs, videos, and blogs, and demos.
Visit the Console
Check out the AWS Transfer Family console and find out how to manage SFTP, FTPS, FTP or AS2 resources.
View customer stories
Discover how global companies in a wide range of industries use AWS Transfer Family.