Philipp Schmid

AWS Machine Learning Hero

 Philipp Schmid, Machine Learning Engineer at Hugging Face

 Nuremberg, Germany

 Hero since 2021

Philipp Schmid is a Technical Lead at Hugging Face with the mission to democratize artificial intelligence through open source and open science. Philipp is passionate about productionizing cutting-edge Generative AI models and improving the ease of use on AWS. He designs and implements solution-oriented, scalable, efficient cloud-native generative AI architectures to solve business problems and create business value. Philipp focuses o the development and implementation of LLMs using Human Feedback with RLHF, DPO, RSO for enterprise use cases. 

Philipp has extensive experience in generative AI writing his Extended Guide: Instruction-tune Llama 2 and is an avid advocate of Amazon SageMaker to Train and Deploy Mistral 7B with Hugging Face on Amazon SageMaker. He shares his knowledge and examples on Generative AI at various meetups, conference and on his technical blog.

Learn More About Philipp


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The AWS Heroes program recognizes a vibrant, worldwide group of AWS experts whose enthusiasm for knowledge-sharing has had a real impact within the community. Heroes go above and beyond to share AWS knowledge via social media, blog posts, videos, open source projects, events, user groups, and more.