Keynote speakers | 9:30 - 10:30

Sergio Gianotti
Head of Public Sector, AWS Italia

Olimpia Merlo
Partner Development Manager, AWS Italia
Alessio Butti
Undersecretary for Innovation, Office of the President of the Council of Ministers

Michele Fioroni
Regional Councilor for Economic, Innovation, Digital and Simplification Development, Region of Umbria, andCoordinator of the Commission for Technological and Digital Innovation, Conferences, Regions and Autonomous Provinces

Matteo Del Fante
CEO and General Manager, Poste Italiane

Lorenzo Gubian
General Manager, ARIA S.p.A.

Mario Fregonara Medici
Manager of Digital Administration Policies Service

Michela Stentella
Director in charge of the forumpa.it, FORUM PA

Carlo Mochi Sismondi
Chairman, FORUM PA
Featured customer speakers

Rocco Mammoliti
Poste Italiane
Giuseppe di Blasi
Ministry of Infrastructure and Transportation (MIT)
Danilo Gismondi
Chief Information & Digital Transformation Officer, Gruppo, ASPI, ASPI
Roberto Da Dalt
Dirigente Sistemi Informativi, Azienda ULSS 2 Marca Trevigiana, Regione Veneto
Francesco Ferrari
Ricercatore, Dipartimento di ingegneria civile, chimica e ambientale – DICCA, Università di Genova
Charlie Anderson
Leader of Global Intergovernmental Organisations and the United Nations, AWS
Charlie Anderson joined Amazon Web Services (AWS) in 2017, as the leader of the UK Justice & Public Safety business. Charlie is currently responsible for the London-based Intergovernmental Organizations team with responsibility for collaborating globally with governments, non-profit organizations and national security. Charlie's vast experience in the regulatory and security fields allows him to provide recommendations to public sector managers to manage complex issues such as large-scale data management, guiding them in the Digital Transformation process, using revolutionary technologies in the cloud, Data Analysis, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Charlie is inspired by his passion for inclusion, diversity and equality in the sector, but above all for helping young people develop digital skills.
Cameron Brooks
General Manager Europe Public Sector, AWS
Cameron Brooks is the general manager for the public sector in Europe at AWS. In this role, he is responsible for growing and leading AWS's public sector business on the European continent and for developing relations with customers such as government, educational institutions and healthcare entities to enable their transformation in the cloud. Cameron joined AWS in December of 2017 and has more than 20 years of experience in the industry.