AWS End User Messaging Pricing
AWS End User Messaging is the new name for Amazon Pinpoint’s SMS, MMS, push, WhatsApp and text to voice messaging capabilities.
With AWS End User Messaging, you pay only for what you use. There are no contract negotiations and no minimum charges. The overview below covers charges associated with sending messages.
Get started with AWS End User Messaging
Send 1 million push notifications for free each month with the AWS Free Tier.
AWS Free Tier does not apply to AWS End User Messaging SMS.
Pricing details
Push notifications
You pay $0 for the first 1,000,000 push notifications that you send each month, and $0.000001 for each push notification that you send after that.
- The price for sending SMS messages varies between countries and regions, and in some cases, between carriers in the same country or region. These prices change regularly.
- Carrier fees will vary based on the type of number sending the message. See FAQs for more information on carrier fees.
- To qualify for the local route price, you must comply with India specific regulations. The default route to India is via International Long Distance Operator (ILDO) routes. For more information please refer to AWS End User Messaging.
Use the following pricing tool to see the prices for sending and receiving messages for each carrier in a country or region.
General Information
- The price for sending MMS messages can vary between countries. These prices are subject to change.
- Carrier fees can vary between countries. See FAQs for more information on carrier fees.
Use the following pricing table to see applicable prices for sending MMS messages.
United States (Outbound)
All Networks | 10DLC | Toll-free | Short Code |
Base Price | $0.02 | $0.02 | $0.02 |
Carrier Fee | $0.01 | $0.01 | $0.01 |
Canada (Outbound)
All Networks | Long Code | Toll-free | Short Code |
Base Price | $0.02 | n/a | $0.02 |
Carrier Fee | $0.01 | n/a | $0.01 |
Voice (outbound only)
The price for sending voice messages varies between countries, and occasionally between carriers within the same country or region. These prices are subject to change.
To send voice messages using AWS End User Messaging, you must obtain at least one dedicated, voice-enabled long code. You can lease local phone numbers in a variety of countries directly through the AWS End User Messaging console. A long code is a standard telephone number that your message is sent from.
Note: Pricing differs for voice-enabled long codes vs. SMS-enabled long codes. You can’t use voice-enabled long codes to send SMS messages unless the phone number also has SMS enabled. SMS-enabled long codes are not available in all countries, and are often more expensive than voice-enabled long codes.
Central Africa
Country or region Outbound price per minute (USD) Angola 0.208 Angola - Mobile 0.784 Cameroon 0.3 Cameroon - Mobile 0.974 Central African Republic 1.703 Central African Republic - Mobile 2.221 Chad 0.838 Chad - Mobile 1.483 Congo 1.803 Congo - Mobile 1.237 Congo (DR) 0.938 Congo (DR) - Mobile 0.857 Equatorial Guinea 1.163 Equatorial Guinea - Mobile 1.25 Gabon Rep. - Mobile - Airtel 1.223 Gabon Rep. - Mobile - Liberties 1.073 Gabon Rep. - Mobile - Moov 1.094 Gabon Republic 1.171 -
East Africa
Country or region Outbound price per minute (USD) Burundi 1.338 Burundi - Mobile 1.369 Comoros 0.913 Comoros - Mobile 1.085 Djibouti 1.113 Eritrea 0.589 Eritrea - Mobile 0.673 Ethiopia 0.567 Ethiopia - Addis Ababa 0.571 Ethiopia - Mobile 0.566 Kenya 0.452 Kenya - Mobile 0.388 Kenya 2 0.321 Kenya 3 0.532 Madagascar 1.494 Madagascar - Mobile 1.514 Malawi 0.785 Malawi - Mobile 0.976 Mauritius 0.394 Mauritius - Mobile 0.387 Mozambique 0.25 Mozambique - Mobile 0.408 Mozambique - Mobile - Vodacom 0.699 Reunion Island 0.05 Reunion Island - Mobile 0.169 Rwanda 0.724 Rwanda - Mobile 0.685 Seychelles 1.575 Somalia 0.878 South Sudan 0.692 South Sudan - Mobile 0.463 South Sudan - Other 0.986 Sudan - Mobile 0.378 Tanzania 0.789 Tanzania - Mobile 0.799 Uganda 0.773 Uganda - Mobile 0.789 Zambia 0.986 Zambia - Mobile 1.191 Zimbabwe 0.275 Zimbabwe - Mobile 1.092
Northern Africa
Country or region Outbound price per minute (USD) Algeria 0.104 Algeria - Alger 0.105 Algeria - Mobile - Mobilis 0.853 Algeria - Mobile - Orascom 0.75 Algeria - Mobile - Wataniya 0.929 Egypt 0.338 Egypt - Cairo 0.256 Egypt - Mobile 0.277 Libya 0.645 Libya - Mobile 0.824 Morocco 0.044 Morocco - Mobile 1.319 Morocco - Mobile Other 1.912 Morocco - Other 0.439 Sudan 0.392 Tunisia 1.9 Tunisia - Mobile 1.9 -
Southern Africa
Country or region Outbound price per minute (USD) Botswana 0.229 Botswana - Mobile 0.498 Lesotho 1.103 Lesotho - Mobile 0.8 Namibia 0.072 Namibia - Mobile 0.142 South Africa 0.171 South Africa - Mobile 0.225 Swaziland 0.188 Swaziland - Mobile 0.363
Western Africa
Country or region Outbound price per minute (USD) Benin 0.495 Benin - Mobile 0.487 Burkina Faso 0.875 Burkina Faso - Mobile 0.748 Cape Verde Islands 0.463 Cape Verde Islands - Mobile 0.806 Gambia 1.402 Ghana 0.728 Ghana - Mobile 0.665 Guinea 1.09 Guinea - Mobile 0.994 Guinea Bissau 1.375 Guinea Bissau - Mobile 1.113 Ivory Coast 0.952 Ivory Coast - Mobile 0.966 Liberia 0.913 Liberia - Mobile 0.993 Mali 0.975 Mali - Mobile 1.025 Mauritania 1.222 Mauritania - Mobile 1.327 Niger 0.672 Niger - Mobile 0.67 Nigeria 0.268 Nigeria - Globacom 0.238 Nigeria - Mobile 0.21 Senegal 0.604 Senegal - Fixed Expresso 1.133 Senegal - Mobile - Expresso 1.026 Senegal - Mobile - Orange 0.948 Senegal - Mobile - Tigo 1.047 Sierra Leone 1.215 Togo 0.777
Country or region Outbound price per minute (USD) Anguilla 0.333 Anguilla - Mobile - Digicel 0.392 Anguilla - Mobile - Other 0.379 Antigua & Barbuda 0.33 Antigua & Barbuda - Mobile 0.354 Aruba 0.212 Aruba - Mobile 0.503 Bahamas 0.175 Bahamas - Mobile 0.274 Barbados 0.506 Barbados - Mobile 0.558 British Virgin Islands 0.454 British Virgin Islands - Mobile 0.541 Cayman Islands 0.055 Cayman Islands - Mobile 0.36 Cuba 1.737 Curacao 0.099 Dominica 0.517 Dominica - Mobile 0.623 Dominican Republic 0.128 Dominican Republic - Mobile 0.249 Dominican Republic 3 0.245 Dominican Republic 4 0.162 Dominican Republic 6 0.09 Dominican Republic 8 0.249 Dominican Republic 9 0.216 Grenada 0.44 Grenada - Mobile 0.521 Grenada 3 0.441 Guadeloupe 0.028 Guadeloupe - Mobile 0.134 Haiti 0.578 Haiti - Mobile 0.76 Jamaica 0.564 Jamaica - Mobile 0.535 Jamaica 3 0.533 Martinique - French Antilles 0.027 Martinique - French Antilles - Mobile 0.161 Martinique - French Antilles - Other 0.125 Montserrat 0.579 Netherlands Antilles 0.302 Netherlands Antilles - Mobile 0.29 Nevis & St. Kitts 0.438 Nevis & St. Kitts - Mobile 0.549 Puerto Rico 0.019 St. Lucia 0.477 St. Lucia - Mobile 0.612 St. Maarten 0.198 St. Maarten - Mobile 0.26 St. Vincent & Grenadines 0.508 St. Vincent & Grenadines - Mobile 0.559 Trinidad & Tobago 0.285 Trinidad & Tobago - Mobile 0.432 Turks & Caicos 0.518 Turks & Caicos - Mobile 0.583 US Virgin Islands 0.054
Central America
Country or region Outbound price per minute (USD) Belize 0.539 Belize - Mobile 0.533 Costa Rica 0.045 Costa Rica - Fixed 0.099 Costa Rica - Mobile 0.147 El Salvador 0.337 El Salvador - Mobile 0.34 Guatemala 0.335 Guatemala - Mobile 0.308 Honduras 0.307 Honduras - Mobile 0.392 Mexico 0.02 Mexico - Guadalajara 0.014 Mexico - Mexico City 0.013 Mexico - Mobile 0.051 Mexico - Monterrey 0.014 Nicaragua 0.313 Nicaragua - Mobile 0.601 Nicaragua 3 0.385 Panama 0.037 Panama - Mobile 0.308 -
North America
Country or region Outbound price per minute (USD) Bermuda 0.07 Canada 0.013 Canada - Toll Free 0.013 Greenland 0.122 Greenland - Mobile 1.047 St Pierre and Miquelon 1.139 United States 0.013 United States - Alaska 0.013 United States - Hawaii 0.013 United States - Toll Free 0.013
South America
Country or region Outbound price per minute (USD) Argentina 0.045 Argentina - Buenos Aires 0.006 Argentina - Major Cities 0.02 Argentina - Mobile 0.35 Bolivia 0.269 Bolivia - Major Cities 0.255 Bolivia - Mobile 0.416 Bolivia - Rural 0.498 Brazil 0.044 Brazil - Major Cities 0.034 Brazil - Mobile 0.207 Chile 0.16 Chile - Easter Island 2.485 Chile - Mobile 0.123 Chile - Rural 0.129 Colombia 0.18 Colombia - Major Cities 0.104 Colombia - Mobile 0.095 Colombia - Mobile - Avantel 0.119 Colombia - Mobile - Comcel 0.081 Colombia - Mobile - Movistar 0.077 Colombia - Mobile - Tigo 0.071 Ecuador 0.333 Ecuador - CNT Fixed 0.308 Ecuador - Cuenca - Etapa 0.294 Ecuador - Mobile 0.511 French Guiana 0.027 French Guiana - Mobile 0.166 French Guiana - Mobile Other 0.316 Guyana 0.486 Guyana - Mobile - Digicel 0.268 Guyana - Mobile - Other 0.533 Paraguay 0.058 Paraguay - Mobile 0.137 Peru 0.022 Peru - Lima 0.012 Peru - Mobile 0.073 Peru - Rural 1.014 Suriname 0.321 Suriname - Mobile 0.735 Suriname - Mobile - Other 0.461 Suriname - Other 2.423 Uruguay 0.127 Uruguay - Mobile 0.395 Uruguay - Montevideo 0.083 Venezuela 0.065 Venezuela - Major Cities 0.065 Venezuela - Mobile 0.225
Asia and Middle East
Central Asia
Country or region Outbound price per minute (USD) Kazakhstan 0.15 Kazakhstan - Mobile 0.253 Kyrgyzstan 0.399 Kyrgyzstan - Mobile 0.463 Tajikistan 0.43 Tajikistan - Mobile 0.388 Turkmenistan 0.363 Uzbekistan 0.263 Uzbekistan - Mobile 0.261 Uzbekistan - Tashkent 0.306
East Asia
Country or region Outbound price per minute (USD) China 0.033 China - Beijing 0.03 China - Mobile 0.03 Hong Kong 0.036 Hong Kong - Mobile 0.062 Japan 0.047 Japan - Mobile 0.103 Japan - Tokyo 0.079 Japan - VOIP 0.069 Korea Dem People's Rep 1.493 Macau 0.231 Mongolia 0.04 South Korea 0.028 South Korea - Mobile 0.043 Taiwan 0.075 Taiwan - Mobile 0.258 -
Southeast Asia
Country or region Outbound price per minute (USD) Brunei 0.068 Cambodia 0.173 Cambodia - Mobile 0.123 Indonesia 0.096 Indonesia - Jakarta 0.088 Indonesia - Major Cities 0.087 Indonesia - Mobile 0.116 Laos 0.179 Malaysia 0.065 Malaysia - Mobile 0.061 Myanmar 0.59 Philippines 0.186 Philippines - Mobile 0.228 Singapore 0.056 Singapore - Mobile 0.058 Thailand 0.081 Thailand - Mobile 0.085 Timor-Leste 1.284 Vietnam 0.162 Vietnam - Mobile 0.172
South Asia
Country or region Outbound price per minute (USD) Afghanistan 0.454 Afghanistan - Mobile 0.453 Bangladesh 0.086 Bangladesh - Mobile 0.084 Bhutan 0.198 India 0.038 India - Major Cities 0.038 India - Mobile 0.038 Iran 0.455 Iran - Mobile 0.42 Iran - Tehran 0.458 Maldives 2.007 Maldives - Mobile 2.039 Maldives - Other 2.07 Nepal 0.375 Nepal - Mobile 0.425 Pakistan 0.268 Pakistan - Mobile 0.204 Sri Lanka 0.263 Sri Lanka - Mobile 0.258 -
Western Asia and Middle East
Country or region Outbound price per minute (USD) Armenia 0.466 Armenia - Mobile 0.557 Armenia - Nagorny Karabakh Region 0.237 Armenia - Non Geographical 0.475 Azerbaijan 0.503 Azerbaijan - Mobile 0.762 Bahrain 0.21 Bahrain - Mobile 0.253 Bahrain - Wimax 0.214 Cyprus 0.13 Cyprus - Mobile 0.153 Cyprus - Other 0.229 Georgia 0.386 Georgia - Abkhazia 0.203 Georgia - Mobile 0.72 Iraq 0.329 Iraq - Major Cities 0.302 Iraq - Mobile 0.488 Israel 0.014 Israel - Mobile 0.056 Israel - Palestine Region 0.423 Jordan 0.393 Jordan - Mobile 0.454 Kuwait 0.102 Kuwait - Mobile - Viva 0.102 Lebanon 0.227 Lebanon - Mobile 0.436 Oman 0.377 Oman - Mobile 0.76 Palestinian Territory 0.385 Palestinian Territory - Mobile 0.442 Qatar 0.384 Qatar - Mobile 0.417 Saudi Arabia 0.262 Saudi Arabia - Mobile 0.286 Syria 0.612 Syria - Mobile 0.738 Turkey 0.094 Turkey - Major Cities 0.08 Turkey - Mobile 0.471 Turkish Republic of N. Cyprus 0.115 United Arab Emirates 0.272 United Arab Emirates - Mobile 0.269 Yemen Arab Republic 0.357 Yemen Arab Republic - Mobile 0.342
Eastern Europe
Country or region Outbound price per minute (USD) Belarus 0.912 Belarus - Mobile 0.922 Bulgaria 0.212 Bulgaria - from EEA 0.075 Bulgaria - Mobile 0.989 Bulgaria - Mobile - from EEA 0.1 Bulgaria - Other 0.23 Czech Republic 0.05 Czech Republic - from EEA 0.05 Czech Republic - Mobile 0.127 Czech Republic - Mobile - from EEA 0.075 Hungary 0.014 Hungary - Mobile 0.132 Hungary - Mobile - from EEA 0.127 Moldova 0.663 Moldova - Mobile 0.592 Poland 0.016 Poland - Mobile 0.293 Poland - Mobile - from EEA 0.029 Poland 3 0.333 Romania 0.037 Romania - Local Other Operators 0.012 Romania - Mobile 0.039 Russia 0.015 Russia - Abkhazia 0.701 Russia - Abkhazia Mobile 0.615 Russia - Mobile 0.487 Russia - Other 0.141 Slovakia 0.014 Slovakia - Mobile 0.106 Ukraine 0.423 Ukraine - Mobile - Astelit 0.622 Ukraine - Mobile - Other 0.546 -
Northern Europe
Country or region Outbound price per minute (USD) Denmark 0.039 Denmark - Mobile 0.074 Denmark 3 0.068 Denmark 4 0.038 Denmark 5 0.04 Estonia 0.024 Estonia - Mobile 0.934 Estonia - Mobile - from EEA 0.062 Estonia - Mobile - from EEA 0.062 Estonia - Other 0.787 Faeroe Islands 0.027 Faeroe Islands - Mobile 0.063 Finland 0.139 Finland 0.139 Finland - from EEA 0.089 Finland - from US/CA 0.089 Finland - Helsinki 0.235 Finland - Helsinki 0.235 Finland - Helsinki - from EEA 0.089 Finland - Helsinki - from US/CA 0.089 Finland - Mobile 0.622 Finland - Mobile 0.622 Finland - Mobile - from EEA 0.057 Finland - Mobile - from US/CA 0.052 Finland - Other 0.48 Finland - Other 0.48 Finland - Other - from EEA 0.122 Finland - Other - from US/CA 0.135 Iceland 0.024 Iceland - Mobile 0.046 Ireland 0.015 Ireland - Mobile 0.042 Ireland - Other 0.143 Latvia 0.462 Latvia - from EEA 0.04 Latvia - Mobile 0.847 Latvia - Mobile - from EEA 0.114 Latvia - Other 0.909 Lithuania 0.372 Lithuania - from EEA 0.046 Lithuania - Mobile 0.693 Lithuania - Mobile - from EEA 0.046 Norway 0.024 Norway - Mobile 0.1 Norway - Special Services 0.309 Sweden 0.01 Sweden - Freephone 0.014 Sweden - Mobile 0.037 Sweden - Personal Numbers 0.011 United Kingdom 0.027 United Kingdom - Mobile 0.035 United Kingdom - Mobile - Other 0.595 United Kingdom - Other 0.554 United Kingdom - Other - Service 0.029
Southern Europe
Country or region Outbound price per minute (USD) Albania 0.357 Albania - AMC 0.333 Albania - Fixed ALBTEL 2.73 Albania - Mobile 0.94 Albania - Tirane 0.35 Andorra 0.049 Andorra - Mobile 0.484 Bosnia 0.413 Bosnia - Mobile 0.924 Croatia 0.409 Croatia - from EEA 0.075 Croatia - Mobile 1.056 Croatia - Mobile - from EEA 0.238 Croatia - Special Services 1.473 Gibraltar 0.092 Gibraltar - Mobile 0.394 Greece 0.088 Greece - from EEA 0.05 Greece - Mobile 0.193 Greece - Mobile - from EEA 0.037 Greece - Special Services 0.653 Italy 0.011 Italy - Mobile 0.568 Italy - Mobile 0.568 Italy - Mobile - from EEA 0.07 Italy - Mobile - from US/CA 0.073 Kosovo 0.403 Kosovo - Mobile 1.143 Macedonia 0.456 Macedonia - Mobile 0.964 Malta 0.01 Malta - Mobile 0.024 Montenegro 0.463 Montenegro - Mobile 1.323 Montenegro - Other 0.863 Portugal 0.018 Portugal - Mobile 1.193 Portugal - Mobile - from EEA 0.037 San Marino 0.499 San Marino - Other 1.013 Serbia 0.429 Serbia - Kosovo 0.333 Serbia - Kosovo - IPKO FixNet 0.403 Serbia - Mobile 1.065 Serbia - Orion Telekom 1.128 Slovenia 0.409 Slovenia - from EEA 0.095 Slovenia - IPKO 0.404 Slovenia - Mobile 1.131 Slovenia - Mobile - from EEA 0.212 Slovenia - Mobile - IPKO 1.113 Spain 0.01 Spain - Mobile 0.177 Spain - Mobile - from EEA 0.034 Spain - Special Services 0.539 Vatican City 0.045 -
Western Europe
Country or region Outbound price per minute (USD) Austria 0.175 Austria - from EEA 0.023 Austria - from US/CA 0.023 Austria - Mobile 0.213 Austria - Mobile 0.213 Austria - Mobile - from EEA 0.04 Austria - Mobile - from US/CA 0.064 Austria - Mobile - Mobility Services 0.322 Austria - Mobile - Mobility Services 0.322 Austria - Mobile - Mobility Services - from EEA 0.02 Austria - Mobile - Mobility Services - from US/CA 0.02 Austria - Other 0.182 Austria - Premium Numbers 0.067 Belgium 0.098 Belgium - from EEA 0.051 Belgium - Mobile 1.084 Belgium - Mobile - from EEA 0.15 Belgium - Mobile Other 1.94 Belgium - Other 0.313 Belgium - Service & Personal 0.203 France 0.014 France - Mobile - Bouygues 0.177 France - Mobile - Bouygues - from EEA 0.062 France - Mobile - Free 0.177 France - Mobile - Free - from EEA 0.062 France - Mobile - Orange 0.177 France - Mobile - Orange - from EEA 0.062 France - Mobile - SFR 0.177 France - Mobile - SFR - from EEA 0.062 France - Mobile Other 0.177 France - Mobile Other - from EEA 0.062 France - Special Services 0.027 Germany 0.016 Germany - Mobile 0.056 Germany - Mobile - Eplus 0.058 Germany - Mobile - Other 0.373 Germany - Special Services 0.016 Liechtenstein 0.304 Liechtenstein - Mobile 0.186 Luxembourg 0.075 Luxembourg - Mobile 0.205 Monaco 0.18 Monaco - Mobile 0.983 Netherlands 0.681 Netherlands - from EEA 0.038 Netherlands - Mobile 0.504 Netherlands - Mobile - from EEA 0.029 Netherlands - Mobile - Other 0.142 Netherlands - Other 0.029 Switzerland 0.028 Switzerland - Mobile - 3G 0.8 Switzerland - Mobile - Cablecom 0.211 Switzerland - Mobile - Lycamobile 0.192 Switzerland - Mobile - Orange 0.169 Switzerland - Mobile - Orange - from GrpA 0.312 Switzerland - Mobile - Orange - from GrpB 0.35 Switzerland - Mobile - Orange - from GrpC 0.376 Switzerland - Mobile - Sunrise 0.158 Switzerland - Mobile - Sunrise - from GrpA 0.162 Switzerland - Mobile - Sunrise - from GrpC 0.283 Switzerland - Mobile - Swisscom 0.137 Switzerland - Mobile - Swisscom - from GrpA 0.447 Switzerland - Mobile - Swisscom - from GrpB 0.588 Switzerland - Mobile - Swisscom - from GrpC 0.575 Switzerland - Other 0.46
Country or region Outbound price per minute (USD) American Samoa 0.083 Australia 0.049 Australia - Major Cities 0.026 Australia - Mobile 0.07 Australia - Shared Cost Service 0.37 Fiji Island 0.68 Fiji Island - Mobile 0.667 French Polynesia 0.619 Guam 0.013 Marshall Islands 0.588 Micronesia 1.339 New Caledonia 0.501 New Zealand 0.029 New Zealand - Mobile 0.085 Northern Mariana Islands 0.127 Palau 0.661 Papua New Guinea 1.967 Papua New Guinea - Mobile 2.125 Papua New Guinea - Special Servic 1.703 Samoa 1.7 Solomon Islands 2.503 Solomon Islands - Mobile 2.503 Solomon Islands - Special Services 2.503 Tonga 2.175 Vanuatu 1.903 -
Country or region Outbound price per minute (USD) Satellite 20.013
Simulator numbers
Simulator numbers are test phone numbers used to send messages to other simulator numbers. When you send a message from a simulator number, you pay the standard outbound SMS or MMS messaging rate. Simulator numbers can be purchased in the AWS End User Messaging SMS console for a monthly lease price of $1.
Long code phone number
A long code is a standard phone number (10-digit in many countries) used to send and receive voice calls and SMS messages. A long code is always required to send a voice message, but is not always required to send an SMS message as countries support different forms of origination identities for SMS.
For voice-enabled long codes, please refer to the pricing in the AWS End User Messaging Console.
For SMS-enabled long codes, U.S. and Canada long codes can be purchased directly from the AWS End User Messaging Console with the pricing shown. Long codes for other countries require that you open a Support Case . Pricing information will be made available to you at that time. Please see the Supported countries and regions page to learn more about SMS origination identity support by country.
10-digit long code (10DLC) phone number
10DLC is a 10-digit phone number used only in the United States. In order to use a 10DLC number you'll need to first register your company and create a 10DLC campaign through the AWS End User Messaging console. Afterwards, you can associate a 10DLC number with your 10DLC campaign. For more information, visit our 10DLC page.
There are required registration and monthly fees associated with using 10DLC.
Company related fees:
- Company registration: $4 one-time fee per company. If you resubmit your company (e.g. Company name, EIN), it will be assessed a $4 resubmission fee.
- Company vetting fee: $40 one-time-fee per vetting request.
Campaign related fees:
- 10DLC campaign registration: $50 one-time campaign activation fee required by T-Mobile. This fee will be postponed until further notice.
- 10DLC campaign monthly: $10 per regular 10DLC campaign, $2 per low-volume 10DLC campaign.
Phone number related fees:
- 10DLC phone number monthly: $1 per 10DLC phone number.
Toll-free phone number
A toll-free is a 10-digit number used that begins with one of the following three-digit codes: 800, 888, 877, 866, 855, 844, or 833. Currently AWS End User Messaging only supports SMS-enabled toll-free numbers in the United States. Toll-free numbers can be purchased on the AWS End User Messaging console with a monthly lease price of $2.
Dedicated short codes
Short codes are short number sequences (between 3 and 8 digits, depending on the country or region that the code is based in) for sending and receiving SMS messages. Short codes are easier to type and memorize than traditional phone numbers. In some countries, short codes will result in higher deliverability rates. You can purchase short codes for several different countries and regions directly through AWS. To request a new short code, or to obtain information about obtaining a short code in other countries and regions, create a case in the AWS Support Center. For more information, please visit our short code documentation. See pricing below for frequently requested countries.
Country | One-time setup fee | Monthly fee | Estimated provision time ** |
United States | $650 | $995 | 12 weeks |
Canada |
$3,000 |
$995 |
16 weeks |
United Kingdom |
$0 |
$1,500 |
16 weeks |
Japan |
$1,750 |
$1,150 |
12 weeks |
India * |
$150 |
$300 |
3 weeks |
China |
$15 |
$15 |
3 week |
Brazil |
$330 |
$330 |
4 weeks |
Others |
Please open a support case for review |
*Only supports ILDO traffic
**Provisioning time starts after: 1) All carrier-required information and documentation have been submitted, and 2) after carriers have no additional feedback or changes requiring to be made. The time does not start when the initial request was raised. Amazon will give feedback on your submission so that it complies with common carrier feedback. After the Short Code application has addressed all Amazon feedback on common carrier criteria, the application will be sent to the mobile carriers. Each individual mobile carrier will assess the application within their individual, and separate review/approval processes. Carriers can require additional information or request that you make changes to the Short Code application or provided mockups. Estimated carrier provision times are a guideline based on historical timelines, and are not guaranteed to apply to future registrations as some Short Codes might take longer to provision depending on use case and/or carrier feedback. Some mobile carriers have routine provisioning freezes and may extend and delay the carrier provisioning timeline, customers should confirm if their country has freezes during the timeframe of their registration to confirm impact to their timelines. Amazon does not have the ability to escalate or expedite Short Code provisioning timelines, the timeline is cumulative of each individual mobile carriers own distinct timelines and non-overlapping processes. Mobile carriers reserve the right to reject Short Code applications if they deem the program to be non-compliant, which can further delay provisioning times. Short Codes might be approved for use on some carrier networks before they're ready on others; however, the Short Code will not be provisioned to your account until all carriers have completed. All Short Code campaign use case additions, or modifications, need to be communicated to carriers via the Short Code application process, and can be subject to the same timelines. Not communicating changes to Short Code use cases can lead to Short Codes being suspended.
Note: When you create a short code request case, we send you information about the one-time and recurring charges for obtaining the short code in the countries or regions that you request. If you accept these charges, the fees associated with using short codes begin immediately. You're responsible for paying these charges, even if the short codes that you requested haven't been completely provisioned yet.
Phone number validate
You can use phone number validate to improve the delivery rates of the SMS messages you send through AWS End User Messaging. Phone Number Validate helps identify errors that often occur when your customers enter their phone numbers on web-based forms.
Phone Number Validate also provides important information about your customers’ phone numbers. For example, it can tell you if a phone number is a landline, a VoIP number, or a mobile number. You can use this information to make sure that you send messages using the right channel, either voice or SMS, for each customer.
You pay $0.006 for each Phone Number Validate request.
One-Time Password (OTP)
AWS End User Messaging includes a One-Time-Password (OTP) feature. You can use this feature in your applications to authenticate your users during the sign-up process or when they log in. AWS End User Messaging generates a 6- to 8-digit code, and sends the code as an SMS message. You can then call the AWS End User Messaging API to verify that the code the user entered matches the code that was generated. You pay $0.045 for each successful OTP verification, in addition to the standard per-message price for sending SMS messages.
AWS End User Messaging allows developers to create rich and interactive messaging experiences for WhatsApp. AWS calculates your WhatsApp costs based on two separate fees associated with each conversation:
1. AWS End User Messaging per message fee: $0.005 is charged per each inbound and outbound message within an opened WhatsApp conversation.
2. WhatsApp conversation fee - Conversations are 24-hour message threads between you and your customers. They are opened and charged when messages you send to customers are delivered.
Conversation categories:
- Marketing — Enables you to achieve a wide range of goals, from generating awareness to driving sales and retargeting customers. Examples include new product, service, or feature announcements, targeted promotions/offers, and cart abandonment reminders.
- Utility — Enables you to follow-up on user actions or requests. Examples include opt-in confirmation, order/delivery management (e.g., delivery update), account updates, alerts (payment reminder), and feedback surveys.
- Authentication — Enables you authenticate users with one-time passcodes, potentially at multiple steps in the login process (e.g., account verification, account recovery, integrity challenges).
- Service — Enables you to resolve customer inquiries.
The price for sending WhatsApp conversation messages can vary between countries and conversation type. These prices are subject to change.
Select from the conversation categories below to learn more about country-specific conversation pricing.
Marketing rates
Market Marketing (USD) Argentina 0.0618 Brazil 0.0625 Chile 0.0889 Colombia 0.0125 Egypt 0.1073 France 0.1432 Germany 0.1365 India 0.0107 Indonesia 0.0411 Israel 0.0353 Italy 0.0691 Malaysia 0.086 Mexico 0.0436 Netherlands 0.1597 Nigeria 0.0516 Pakistan 0.0473 Peru 0.0703 Russia 0.0802 Saudi Arabia 0.0455 South Africa 0.0379 Spain 0.0615 Turkey 0.0109 United Arab Emirates 0.0384 United Kingdom 0.0529 North America* 0.025 Rest of Africa* 0.0225 Rest of Asia Pacific* 0.0732 Rest of Central & Eastern Europe* 0.086 Rest of Latin America* 0.074 Rest of Middle East* 0.0341 Rest of Western Europe* 0.0592 Other* 0.0604 -
Utility rates
Market Utility (USD) Argentina 0.034 Brazil 0.008 Chile 0.02 Colombia 0.0002 Egypt 0.0052 France 0.03 Germany 0.055 India 0.0014 Indonesia 0.02 Israel 0.0053 Italy 0.03 Malaysia 0.014 Mexico 0.01 Netherlands 0.05 Nigeria 0.0067 Pakistan 0.0054 Peru 0.02 Russia 0.04 Saudi Arabia 0.0115 South Africa 0.0076 Spain 0.02 Turkey 0.0053 United Arab Emirates 0.0157 United Kingdom 0.022 North America* 0.004 Rest of Africa* 0.004 Rest of Asia Pacific* 0.0157 Rest of Central & Eastern Europe* 0.0353 Rest of Latin America* 0.0113 Rest of Middle East* 0.0157 Rest of Western Europe* 0.03 Other* 0.0077 -
Authentication rates
Market Authentication (USD) Authentication-International (USD) Argentina 0.0367 n/a Brazil 0.0315 n/a Chile 0.0527 n/a Colombia 0.0077 n/a Egypt 0.0052 0.0833 France 0.0691 n/a Germany 0.0768 n/a India 0.0014 0.028 Indonesia 0.03 0.136 Israel 0.0169 n/a Italy 0.0378 n/a Malaysia 0.014 0.0418 Mexico 0.0239 n/a Netherlands 0.072 n/a Nigeria 0.0067 0.0998 Pakistan 0.0054 0.1286 Peru 0.0377 n/a Russia 0.0429 n/a Saudi Arabia 0.0115 0.0598 South Africa 0.0076 0.028 Spain 0.0342 n/a Turkey 0.0083 n/a United Arab Emirates 0.0157 0.051 United Kingdom 0.0358 n/a North America 0.0135 n/a Rest of Africa* 0.0144 n/a Rest of Asia Pacific* 0.0425 n/a Rest of Central & Eastern Europe* 0.0557 n/a Rest of Latin America* 0.0445 n/a Rest of Middle East* 0.0178 n/a Rest of Western Europe* 0.0378 n/a Other* 0.0304 n/a -
Service rates - no charge
Market Service (USD) Argentina n/a Brazil n/a Chile n/a Colombia n/a Egypt n/a France n/a Germany n/a India n/a Indonesia n/a Israel n/a Italy n/a Malaysia n/a Mexico n/a Netherlands n/a Nigeria n/a Pakistan n/a Peru n/a Russia n/a Saudi Arabia n/a South Africa n/a Spain n/a Turkey n/a United Arab Emirates n/a United Kingdom n/a North America n/a Rest of Africa* n/a Rest of Asia Pacific* n/a Rest of Central & Eastern Europe* n/a Rest of Latin America* n/a Rest of Middle East* n/a Rest of Western Europe* n/a Other* n/a
* Please refer to this document to better understand the countries grouped within this market.

Contact us to learn more about AWS End User Messaging and how it can help your organization.