Complete your AWS Registration

Complete your AWS account today and get access to the AWS Free Tier and a broad collection of tutorials, training resources, and tools to manage your AWS usage and budgets.

Billing and Information

Requirements for Signing Up

  • Basic Personal Information (Name, Address, etc.)
  • A Phone Number
  • An Email Address
  • A Credit Card (you will only be billed when you exceed Free Tier product usage)

Credit Card Billing

To create an account, a credit card is needed in order to secure your account and prevent fraud. Your credit card is only billed if you exceed Free Tier usage limits. Once an account has been created, you can set alerts and manage budgets within the product console to prevent unexpected charges.

Monitor your Usage

Use the free AWS Budgets tool to help you track your usage, manage your budget, and prevent unexpected charges. Customize your alerts to notify you when you approach your monthly usage thresholds, track your usage for specific services, and monitor your usage targets all in one tool.

AWS Free Tier

Explore more than 100 products and start building on AWS using the free tier. Three different types of free offers are available depending on the product used. See below for details on each product.

Always Free

Featuring more than 30 products, these free tier offers do not expire and are available to all AWS customers

12 Months Free

Enjoy more than 35 offers for 12-months following your initial sign-up date to AWS

Free Trials

More than 20 short-term free trial offers which start from the date you activate a particular service

Learn more about AWS products and services

Browse through our collection of videos and tutorials to deepen your knowledge and experience with AWS
Introduction to Amazon SageMaker
Websites on Amazon Web Services
Understanding Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)
Introduction to Amazon Polly

10-Minute Tutorials

Start with these free and simple tutorials to explore AWS machine learning services

  • In this tutorial, you will learn how to create an environment to run your MySQL database (we call this environment an 'instance'), connect to the database, and delete the DB instance. We will do this using Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) and everything done in this tutorial is free-tier eligible.

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  • In this tutorial, you will use the Amazon Polly for WordPress plugin to add text-to-speech capability to a WordPress installation. Amazon Polly is a service that uses advanced deep learning technologies to synthesize speech that sounds like a human voice, enabling you to create applications that talk, and build entirely new categories of speech-enabled products.

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  • This step-by-step tutorial will help you store your files in the cloud using Amazon Simple Storage Solution (S3). Amazon S3 is a service that enables you to store your data (referred to as objects) at massive scale. In this tutorial, you will create an Amazon S3 bucket, upload a file, retrieve the file and delete the file.

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Get Started

Sign up for an AWS account

Creating an AWS account is free and gives you immediate access to the AWS Free Tier

10 minute tutorials

Explore and learn with easy to follow tutorials for multiple use cases

Start building in the console

Build your production solution quickly and easily once you're ready