TensorIoT SafetyVisor

Next Generation Worker Safety Platform Built on AWS IoT and ML


As employers and business owners work to ensure the safe return of employees and customers to their businesses, they need to install systems and processes with real-time monitoring to follow Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)/ Center for Disease Control (CDC) safety guidelines. Apart from availability of such a solution, the other challenge facing employers and business owners today is the cost of such a solution in market when they are strapped for capital. 

Building on TensorIoT’s past success with safety gear compliance, the TensorIoT SafetyVisor, a work environment safety solution. addresses emerging needs in the post pandemic world. The entire solution is lightweight, extendable, and easily hooks into your existing camera feeds and wireless sensors with no special training necessary.  

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Version: 1.0
Last updated: 7/2020
Author: AWS 

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The TensorIoT SafetyVisor is a state-of-the-art computer vision and IoT solution that monitors your work environment for adherence to OSHA/CDC guidelines. The solution proactively predicts violations, so you can fix anomalies before they become a problem. 

The use of services like AWS IoT Core, AWS IoT Greengrass, and Amazon SageMaker ensure the security and scalability of SafetyVisor. Once the existing cameras and sensors are connected to the system, machine learning, and detection happen at the Edge and the results are then sent to the AWS Cloud for further reporting, monitoring, and analytics.


SafetyVisor is an work environment safety solution that leverages AWS IoT and ML services.

  • Mask Detection - With an expanded definition of PPE, the solution monitors for customers or employees wearing masks or face coverings. The system includes real-time notifications.
  • Guided Cleaning - Track traffic over time to create heat maps for data-driven sanitization for high-traffic areas. You can easily integrate these alerts into your ticketing system.
  • Social Distancing - Monitor and calculate the space between people to estimate distance. Combine this with mask detection to create sophisticated alerting rules and avoid violations.
  • Anonymous Mode - SafetyVisor provides a one-click setting to blur faces in all alerts and stored images. 


AI at Edge and Full Featured Out of the Box
SafetyVisor is fully functional without internet to analyze feeds and create alerts. The system can cache results locally and sync to the Cloud or fallback on cellular networks. The solution enables customers to get started right away. SafetyVisor comes with mask detection, social distancing, guided cleaning, crowd control, and anonymous mode features out of the box and a next generation user interface.

Crown Control with Compliance Assistant
SafetyVisor detects and counts people within a predefined zone for compliance. The system generates notifications in addition to visual and audio alerts to prevent violations. The solution also provides automatic generation of reports to track improvements along with historical analysis and compliance details, including logs, videos, and image backups.