Posted On: Apr 28, 2017

Starting today you can provision Amazon Cognito resources using AWS CloudFormation.

Amazon Cognito lets you easily add user sign-up and sign-in to your mobile and web apps. With Amazon Cognito, you also have the options to authenticate users through social identity providers such as Facebook, Twitter, or Amazon, with SAML identity solutions, or by using your own identity system. In addition, Amazon Cognito enables you to synchronize data across your users’ devices so that their app experience remains consistent regardless of the device they use. 

AWS CloudFormation simplifies provisioning and management on AWS. You can create templates for the service or application architectures you want, and have AWS CloudFormation use those templates for quick and reliable provisioning of the services or applications. 

You can now use CloudFormation templates to create and delete Cognito User Pools and associated apps, users, and groups. You can also create and configure Cognito Identity Pools with CloudFormation templates.

Visit our Developer Guide for more information.