Posted On: Aug 3, 2016
Amazon ElastiCache now supports M4 node types. M4 nodes provide a balance of compute, memory, and network resources. They come in 5 sizes, ranging from 6.42 GB to 154.64 GB of memory, and have superior performance and lower prices than M3 node types. You can purchase M4 node types as On Demand or as Reserved Cache Nodes.
M4 nodes are available in the U.S East (N. Virginia), U.S West (Oregon), U.S West (Northern California), EU (Ireland), EU (Frankfurt), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Seoul) and Asia Pacific (Mumbai) AWS regions. Support for other regions is coming soon. For a full list of available node types, see Supported Node Types in the ElastiCache User Guide.
To create new M4 nodes with just a few clicks, please use the AWS Management Console
For more information on pricing, visit the ElastiCache pricing page