Full Stack Development - AWS Amplify

Build, ship, and deploy full-stack applications in hours. Easy to start, easy to scale.

What is AWS Amplify?

A set of purpose-built tools that lets frontend web and mobile developers easily build, ship, and host full-stack applications on AWS, with the flexibility to leverage the breadth of AWS services as use cases evolve. No cloud expertise needed.

Build apps in hours: Create full-stack apps, frontend UI, and backends with authentication, storage, data, and more.

Ship faster: Easily deploy and host fast, secure, reliable websites and server-side rendered apps in a few clicks.

Scale smoothly: Extend your app with 175+ AWS services to support new use cases, DevOps practices, and user growth.

Introduction to AWS Amplify (4:00)

Use Cases

Configure an App Backend

Create a cloud-powered backend for your web, iOS, or Android app with real-time and offline functionality in just a few clicks.

Build an App Frontend

Automatically convert Figma component designs to credible React code, and connect the UI to a cloud backend in clicks.

Host an App

Deploy your web app or website to the secure AWS content delivery network (CDN), with hundreds of points of presence globally.

AWS Amplify Pricing

As part of the AWS Free Tier, you can get started with all AWS Amplify tools and services for free. Details of the offer for AWS Amplify are in the table below:

Build an App

AWS Amplify Tools and Services




Product Pricing

Amplify CLI 

Command Line Interface

Local toolchain to configure and manage an app backend with just a few commands.

Easy Data Modeling

Zero-Config Authentication Flows

Serverless Functions

Secure Storage

AI/ML Predictions

Integrated Geo Components


You pay only for the underlying AWS services your app uses.

AWS Amplify Pricing

Amplify UI Components

Open-Source Design System
Open-source design system with cloud-connected components for building feature-rich apps fast.
Amplify Libraries

Open-Source Client Libraries
Open-source client libraries to build cloud-powered mobile and web apps.
Deploy and Host an App

AWS Amplify Tools and Services




Product Pricing

Amplify Hosting

Managed CI/CD and Hosting

Fully managed CI/CD and hosting for fast, secure, and reliable static and server-side rendered apps. 

Full-Stack CI/CD Workflows

Global Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Development and Production Environments


Easy Custom Domains

Pull Request Previews


1,000 build minutes per month

5 GB stored per month

15 GB served per month

500,000 request count per month (SSR)

100 request GB-hours per month (SSR)

AWS Amplify Pricing

Free Tier Offer

AWS helps new customers get started for free. See how you can use the AWS Free Tier with Amplify

Amplify Studio
Point-and-click environment to build and deploy a full-stack app quickly.

You pay only for the underlying AWS services your app uses.

AWS Amplify Pricing »
Amplify CLI
Local toolchain to configure and manage an app backend with just a few commands.

You pay only for the underlying AWS services your app uses.

AWS Amplify Pricing »
Amplify UI Components
Open-source design system with cloud-connected components for building feature-rich apps fast.

You pay only for the underlying AWS services your app uses.

AWS Amplify Pricing »
Amplify Libraries
Open-source client libraries to build cloud-powered mobile and web apps.

You pay only for the underlying AWS services your app uses.

AWS Amplify Pricing »
Amplify Hosting
Fast, secure, and reliable hosting for modern web apps, powered by AWS Amplify.

1,000 build minutes per month

5 GB stored per month

15 GB served per month

500,000 request count per month (SSR)

100 request GB-hours per month (SSR)

AWS Amplify Pricing »
AWS Lambda
Sign up for an AWS Account
Creating an AWS account is free and gives you immediate access to the AWS Free Tier.

Works with Frameworks and Languages you Know

Learn More About AWS Amplify

Browse through our collection of videos and other resources to learn more about AWS Amplify

  • Videos
  • Introduction to AWS Amplify Studio (0:59)
    AWS Amplify Studio Launch: Visually build full-stack web apps fast on AWS (60:00)
    AWS Amplify Studio: AWS On Air (18:58)
    Build iOS & Android mobile apps in record time with Flutter and AWS Amplify (29:00)
  • Service Features
  • Build an App with AWS Amplify
    Easy Data Modeling
    Use a visual editor or code to model your database tables, fields, and the relationship. Automatically provision a GraphQL API and NoSQL database with real-time capabilities.
    Zero-Config Authentication Flows

    Add pre-built UI components with a few lines of code. Set up email and social sign-up/sign-in, forgot password, and multi-factor authentication with a guided workflow.

    Serverless Functions

    Add an AWS Lambda function to your project which you can use alongside a REST API or as a datasource in your GraphQL API.

    Secure Storage

    Store user photos, audio, and video files on device or in public, protected, or private storage modules in the cloud. Leverage cloud scale storage to easily take your app from prototype to production.

    AI/ML Predictions

    Create engaging app experiences by adding AI/ML capabilities for text translation, speech generation from text, entities recognition in image, interpretation of text, and transcribing text.

    Integrated Geo Components

    Add location-aware features like maps and location search to your JavaScript-based web app in minutes. Amplify includes pre-integrated map UI components (based on the popular MapLibre open-source library).

    Deploy and Host with AWS Amplify
    Full-Stack CI/CD Workflows

    Connect your git branches to automatically deploy front-end and backend changes in a single workflow.

    Global Content Delivery Network (CDN)

    Directly deploy to Amazon CloudFront’s secure CDN with hundreds of globally dispersed points of presence to ensure low latency and high tranfer speeds.

    Development and Production Environments

    Easily spin up the environments you need to test new features before shipping.


    Monitor hosting metrics for your app in near real-time. Create custom alarms that send notifications when a metric exceeds a threshold you set.

    Easy Custom Domains

    Connect a custom domain with painless verification. Feature branches automatically get a custom domain. Get a free SSL certificate for custom and non-custom domains deployed.

    Pull Request Previews

    Work on new features before going live, without impacting production. Create new environments from pull requests.

  • Tutorials
  • Tutorials

    Start with these free and simple tutorials to explore AWS Amplify

    Build an iOS Application with AWS Amplify

    In this tutorial, you will create a simple iOS application using AWS Amplify, a set of tools and serverless services in the cloud. In the first module, you’ll build a simple iOS application. Through the remaining modules, you will initialize a local app using the Amplify Command Line Interface (Amplify CLI), add user authentication, add a GraphQL API and a database to store your data, and update your app to store images.

    Learn more »

    Build an Android Application with AWS Amplify

    In this tutorial, you will create a simple Android application using AWS Amplify, a set of tools and serverless services in the cloud. In the first module, you’ll build a simple Android application. Through the remaining modules, you will initialize a local app using the Amplify Command Line Interface (Amplify CLI), add user authentication, add a GraphQL API and a database to store your data, and update your app to store images.

    Learn more »

    Getting Started with AWS Amplify (Flutter)

    This tutorial guides you through setting up a backend and integrating that backend with your web app. You will create a fully featured Todo app using AWS Amplify DataStore to store and retrieve items in a cloud database, as well as receive updates over a realtime subscription.

    Getting Started with AWS Amplify (JavaScript)

    This tutorial guides you through setting up a backend and integrating that backend with your web app. You will create a “Todo app” with a GraphQL API and to store and retrieve items in a cloud database, as well as receive updates over a realtime subscription.

    Getting Started with AWS Amplify (React)

    In this tutorial, you will create a simple full-stack web application using AWS Amplify, a set of tools and services including a web hosting service. In the first module, you’ll build and host a React application on AWS. Through the remaining 4 modules, you will initialize a local app using the CLI, add authentication, add a GraphQL API and database, and update your app to store images.

    Getting Started with AWS Amplify (React Native)

    This tutorial guides you through setting up a backend and integrating that backend with your React Native app. You will create a “Todo app” using AWS Amplify DataStore to store and retrieve items in a cloud database, as well as receive updates over a realtime subscription.

    Getting Started with AWS Amplify (Angular)

    This tutorial guides you through setting up a backend and integrating that backend with your web app. You will create an app with a GraphQL API to store and retrieve your favorite restaurants in a cloud database, as well as receive updates over a realtime subscription.

    Getting Started with AWS Amplify (Vue)

    This tutorial guides you through setting up a backend and integrating that backend with your web app. You will create a “Todo app” with a GraphQL API and to store and retrieve items in a cloud database, as well as receive updates over a realtime subscription.

    Getting Started with AWS Amplify (Next.js)

    This tutorial guides you through setting up a backend and integrating that backend with a new Next.js app. You will create a simple blog with a GraphQL API and to store and retrieve items in a cloud database. In addition, we’ll demonstrate how to authenticate users, communicate with our API, and deploy to AWS.

    Getting Started with AWS Amplify (Ionic)

    This tutorial guides you through setting up a backend and integrating that backend with your web app. You will create a “Todo app” with a GraphQL API and to store and retrieve items in a cloud database, as well as receive updates over a realtime subscription.

  • Case Studies
  • Neiman Marcus Customer Story

    Neiman Marcus Increases New Application Speed to Market by 50% on AWS, Improves Digital Selling for Associates.

    Orangtheory Customer Story
    QsrSoft Helps McDonald’s and Other Restaurants Engage Employees Using QsrSoft TV Developed on AWS.
    Orangtheory Customer Story
    Orangetheory Fitness Delivered Video Workouts at Scale in Mobile and Web Applications .
    Amazon Music customer story

    State Auto Cuts Production Time to a Day Using AWS AppSync and AWS Amplify.

AWS Free Tier

The AWS Free Tier offers users an opportunity to explore products for free, with offers including products that are always free, free for 12 months, and short-term free trials.

Get Started

Creating an AWS account is free and gives you immediate access to the AWS Free Tier.