Release: Amazon GameLift on 2018-02-15

Amazon GameLift introduces Spot Instances and FleetIQ, features that can significantly lower hosting costs while maintaining game server availability.

Release Date: February 15, 2018
Latest Version: Amazon GameLift Server SDK 3.2.1
Created On: February 15, 2018
Last Updated: February 15, 2018

New Features

Feature Description

Spot Instances and FleetIQ

New support for spot instances gives Amazon GameLift users the opportunity to significantly lower their hosting costs. When creating fleets of hosting resources, they can choose between on-demand instances or spot instances. Both offer the same instance types, but spot pricing fluctuates based on current supply and demand. While spot instances may be interrupted with two minutes of notification, Amazon GameLift's FleetIQ  minimizes the chance of interruptions. When placing a new game session, FleetIQ evaluates available hosting resources based on player latency, instance prices, and spot instance interruption rates to find the best possible fleet to host the new game session. 

To use spot instances, get the latest AWS SDK and GameLift Server SDK.

Learn more about spot instances and FleetIQ in the Amazon GameLift documentation: