Posted On: Sep 21, 2017

Earlier this year, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) introduced service-linked roles, which provide you an easy and secure way to delegate permissions to many AWS services. Today, AWS IAM added support for deletion of service-linked roles through the AWS IAM console and API/CLI. This will enable you to revoke permissions from an AWS service to create and manage AWS resources in your account.

When you delete a service-linked role, AWS IAM validates that you do not have any resources in your account that are associated with that role. This prevents you from inadvertently revoking permissions required by an AWS service to manage your existing AWS resources, helping you maintain your resources in a stable state.

AWS IAM is available in all regions. To learn more about how to delete service-linked roles, see Now Use AWS IAM to Delete a Service-Linked Role When You No Longer Require an AWS Service to Perform Actions on Your Behalf.