Posted On: Jun 11, 2019

CloudEndure, an AWS company, now offers CloudEndure Migration to move applications from any physical, virtual, or cloud-based infrastructure to AWS at no charge. This offer is available to all AWS customers and partners. 

CloudEndure Migration simplifies, expedites, and reduces the cost of cloud migration by offering a highly automated lift-and-shift solution. You can use CloudEndure Migration to quickly rehost a large number of machines to AWS without worrying about compatibility, performance disruption, or long cutover windows. With CloudEndure Migration, an agent-based solution, you can migrate all applications and databases that run on supported versions of Windows and Linux OS. 

To get started, register for free CloudEndure Migration licenses. Each free license allows for 90 days of use following agent installation. During this period, you can replicate your source machines, conduct unlimited tests, and perform a scheduled cutover to complete your migration. While the use of CloudEndure Migration is free, you will incur charges for any AWS infrastructure that is provisioned during migration and after cutover, such as compute (EC2) and storage (EBS) resources.  

For more information, please visit the CloudEndure Migration product page or technical documentation.  

You can use CloudEndure Migration to migrate your applications to any public AWS Region and GovCloud.