Posted On: Mar 11, 2020
You can now use AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM) in the Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) Region.
AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM) provides you a simple way to securely share your AWS resources across AWS accounts or within your AWS organization. You can now centrally create resources in a multi-account environment, and use AWS RAM to share those resources across your accounts. This reduces operational overhead while maintaining the benefits of a multi-account strategy.
Resources you can share with RAM in the Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) Region:
- Amazon EC2
- Capacity Reservations
- Subnets
- Transit Gateways
- Dedicated Hosts
- Amazon EC2 Image Builder
- Components
- Image Recipes
- Images
- Amazon Route53
- Resolver Rules
To learn more, visit the AWS Resource Access Manager User Guide in the AWS Documentation. To get started with sharing resources through Resource Access Manager, visit the AWS Resource Access Manager Console.