The power of video.
The support of community.

LactApp + the AWS Solutions Library

Woman holding baby

LactApp and the New Mom Journey

LactApp was born out of the vision that every mother should have a breastfeeding and motherhood expert in her pocket to guide her with information, professional support and a sense of community.

The app, which has been downloaded more than 600,000 times, and recognized for achievement by the United Nations and UNICEF, provides custom responses to questions on topics including breastfeeding, lactation, fertility and breast health through multiple content forms, including video.

A Ready-to-Deploy Video Streaming Solution

When planning for their new subscription service, LactApp knew video would be key. They implemented Video on Demand (VOD) on AWS Foundation from the AWS Solutions Library to integrate streaming and subtitling functionality into their existing workflow.

Explore the Video on Demand on AWS Foundation Solution 

Every Moment Counts

LactApp deployed this turnkey solution as-is, so they could start streaming their original videos in the Cloud right away. VOD on AWS Foundation provided the transcoding insight that LactApp didn’t have on staff. LactApp’s team added customizations to the solution to incorporate subtitling that meets their unique use-case.

Downloads and 4k
Videos uploaded*
Hours watched*
*In the 9 months since deploying the VOD on AWS Foundation solution
Read the full case study 

Seeing is Learning

With on-demand video, moms see firsthand the positions, tips, and shared hurdles of breastfeeding. It's a powerful learning tool that reinforces a sense of community. AWS made this essential component seamless to incorporate.

Explore more video streaming solutions from AWS 

“With this Video Streaming solution on AWS we are able to simplify and optimize the effort it takes to provide essential video content to mothers around the world.”

Rocío Tovar, CTO, LactApp

Woman holding baby