reference deployment

VMware Tanzu Application Platform on AWS

Build, deploy, and manage apps on a Kubernetes platform

This Partner Solution deploys the VMware Tanzu Application Platform (TAP) to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud. It's for users who want a repeatable and customizable reference deployment for TAP on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) using AWS CloudFormation.

TAP is a packaged set of components that help developers and operators build, deploy, and manage apps on Kubernetes. It's a modular application-aware platform that development teams can customize based on their organization’s preferences. This Partner Solution offers both a single-cluster and a multicluster version. For more information, refer to VMware Tanzu Application Platform.

VMWare Tanzu Application Plafform logo

This Partner Solution was developed by VMware in collaboration with AWS. VMware is an AWS Partner.

  •  What you'll build
  • The single-cluster version of this Partner Solution sets up the following:

    • A highly available architecture that spans either two or three Availability Zones.*
    • A virtual private cloud (VPC) configured with public and private subnets, according to AWS best practices, to provide you with your own virtual network on AWS.*
    • An Amazon Route 53 private hosted zone for the TAP user interface.
    • In the public subnets:
      • NAT gateways to allow outbound internet access for resources in the private subnets.
      • In one public subnet:
        • An Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) Linux instance to bootstrap the installation of TAP in an Amazon EKS cluster and serve as administrator bastion host.
        • An Amazon EC2 Windows bastion host to provide access to the TAP user interface.
    • In the private subnets:
      • A group of Amazon EKS nodes in an Auto Scaling group with Contour Envoy ingress controller pods and the TAP installation. For a complete list of the TAP packages, refer to Verify the installed packages.
      • A Network Load Balancer attached to the private subnets to direct traffic to the Contour Envoy pod. The Contour Envoy container provides ingress and reverse proxy to the TAP pods for the TAP user interface and metadata store.
    • Amazon CloudWatch for storing Linux bastion host performance metrics and TAP bootstrap logs.
    • AWS Secrets Manager for securely storing VMware Tanzu network credentials for the TAP cluster.
    • Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) for five private repositories: three for TAP installation and two for sample workload installation.
    • Amazon EKS for the Kubernetes control plane cluster that runs TAP, Contour Envoy, and other containerized applications.

    The multicluster version of this Partner Solution sets up the same environment as the single-cluster version but with the following differences:

    • In the private subnets, four Amazon EKS clusters with a group of Amazon EKS nodes in Auto Scaling groups.
      • In three of the Amazon EKS clusters, a Network Load Balancer, Contour Envoy ingress controller pods, and TAP installations with Run, View, and Iterate TAP installation profiles.
      • In one Amazon EKS cluster, a TAP installation with a Build TAP installation profile. 
  •  How to deploy
  • To deploy this Partner Solution, follow the instructions in the deployment guide, which includes these steps.

    1. Sign in to your AWS account. If you don't have an account, sign up at
    2. Complete predeployment steps in the deployment guide.
    3. Launch the Partner Solution. The stack takes about 2 hours to deploy. Before you create the stack, choose the AWS Region from the top toolbar. Choose the following option:
    4. Complete postdeployment steps.

    Amazon may share user-deployment information with the AWS Partner that collaborated with AWS on this solution.  

  •  Costs and licenses
  • You are responsible for the cost of the AWS services and any third-party licenses used while running this solution. There is no additional cost for using the solution.

    This solution includes configuration parameters that you can customize. Some of these settings, such as instance type, affect the cost of deployment. For cost estimates, refer to the pricing pages for each AWS service you use. Prices are subject to change.

    Tip: After you deploy a solution, create AWS Cost and Usage Reports to track associated costs. These reports deliver billing metrics to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket in your account. They provide cost estimates based on usage throughout each month and aggregate the data at the end of the month. For more information, refer to What are AWS Cost and Usage Reports?