State of Arizona Department of Homeland Security

 Arizona, USA

 Champion since 2023

In September 2022, the State of Arizona Department of Homeland Security (AZDOHS) launched a new program to bolster the cybersecurity of Arizona’s most vulnerable cities, counties, and K12 school districts. AZDOHS is putting $10,000,000 from general fund appropriations toward helping Arizona cities, counties, and K12 schools strengthen their security posture. The Arizona Statewide Cyber Readiness Program enables local entities to reduce their cyberattack surface by accessing technical assistance and software licenses across five functional areas: advanced endpoint protection, converged endpoint management, multi-factor authentication, security awareness training, and web application firewall.

This customer has created a marketplace-driven delivery model where they purchase key cloud-based security software such as Tanium and Crowdstrike (among others) to help schools and local governments protect themselves from cyberattacks. This revolutionary delivery model has provided sophisticated cybersecurity technology that these organizations, in many cases, would not have the resources to acquire or support on their own. These stakeholders are now empowered to align with security requirements and capabilities of the state and cyber insurance providers to protect faculty, students, and citizens and the critical services that they rely on.

What is the AWS State and Local Government Champions Program?

The AWS State and Local Government Champions program recognizes, celebrates, and supports organizations driving digital transformation with cloud computing. The purpose of the program is to acknowledge customers that have used AWS products and services in innovative ways to improve the service to their communities. The organizations selected to receive this award share the mission to transform and advance state and local government to better serve their constituents. This community will provide relatable stories for other state and local government customers to reference as they think about their own digital transformation journey.