AWS Data Web Day Hong Kong



活動已經圓滿結束,立即觀看 AWS Data Web Day Hong Kong 重溫!這場免費的線上活動將協助您善用數據,作出更佳決定,開拓業務新方向。

在這場半天的活動中,一眾 AWS 專家及來自不同行業的香港客戶將為您介紹主要的數據分析概念、分享真實案例、最佳推行策略及探討熱門議題。您將了解如何在 AWS 建立強健的數據庫、統一不同渠道的數據、利用數據分析及機器學習服務重塑舊有程序,令您的數據管理與時並進,節省管理的時間及成本,並提升客戶滿意度。



位客戶使用 AWS 的資料湖儲存體及雲端資料倉


個數據庫已遷移至 AWS




雲端深度學習項目都在 AWS 上執行


您將了解 AWS 在數據和分析領域最新的發佈,技術分享和創新資訊。講者會深入分享香港客戶案例,以及架構的最佳實踐。


無論您是技術或商業的領導者,IT 專業人士,開發者,或只是對數據的技術及案例有興趣,相信您都可從活動議題中有所收穫。


35 分鐘
利用數據做出更快、更明智的決策 (廣東話)
Raymond Tsang, Technical Trainer, AWS

成功的組織使用數據來提高敏捷性並做出明智的決策。由數據驅動有助於他們根據實際能夠衡量和看到的內容做出決策,而不是憑直覺行事。通過現代化數據庫、統一數據洞察和創新,從您已有的數據中釋放更多價值。在本議程中,您將學習如何通過 AWS 來實現可擴展的現代數據策略,利用數據重塑您的業務。

30 分鐘
透過雲端解決未被滿足的醫療需求,並使基於 NGS 的測試與診所更接近 – 客戶 Codex Genetics 的案例分享(廣東話)
Allen Yu, CTO, Codex Genetics Limited
Andy Ho, Senior Business Development Manager, AWS

Codex Genetics 是一家生物技術公司,他們幫助醫療保健者診斷和治療神經系統疾病和癌症,能夠在 4 小時內提供對診斷和臨床試驗數據的訪問。在這場議程中,你將可以了解更多關於 Codex Genetics 從本地遷移到混合環境的過程、以及他們如何使用 AWS 數據服務包括 AWS GlueAmazon Athena 在降低成本的同時提高查詢性能,並通過 Amazon S3Amazon ECS 存儲和處理排序數據,以及備份數據。

35 分鐘
把握巨大商機:藉助數據分析和雲端基礎設施擴展金融科技 – 客戶 Choco Up 的案例分享  (廣東話)
Brian Tsang, Co-founder, Choco Up
Lewis Pong, VP of Product, Choco Up
Jacky Wu, FSI Solutions Architect, AWS

Choco Up 在 AWS 上構建了大數據和分析平台,可在 1 小時內為客户提供資金決策。Choco Up 是一個以收入為基礎的融資平台,為快速成長的公司和初創公司提供快速獲取資本,專注於電子商務商户。參與議程了解 Choco Up 如何使用 Amazon Redshift 進行大規模方案分析,Amazon SageMaker 用於預測建模,以及利用 AWS Lambda 將基礎設施作為代碼運行。

30 分鐘

在 AWS 上架構可擴展的備選數據(Alternative Data)分析 – 客戶 MeasurableAI的案例分享 (廣東話)
Gary Lau, Cofounder and CTO, MeasurableAI
Desmond Cheung, Business Development Manager, AWS

藉助 AWS, 利用 Amazon OpenSearch 服務搜索來自 1 M+ 用户的 60TB 郵件數據索引,透過搜索電子郵件發件人地址及主題,產出有用的商家見解並存儲在 Amazon S3 buckets 中,為數據訂閲者提供服務。

30 分鐘
如何將傳統消費者的洞察與人工智能結合並創新 – 客戶 Votee 的案例分享 (廣東話)
Pak Ting, CEO, Votee
Jacky Chan, CTO, Votee
Albert Lau, Business Development Manager, AWS

Votee 是一家 AI 驅動的市場營銷研究公司。企業和個人用户可以使用 Votee 應用程式發佈調查、預測及測驗獲得市場數據,並使用實時儀錶板和實時見解快速轉換收集的反饋。參加這場議程了解 AWS 數據及人工智能服務包括  Amazon QuickSight, Amazon Comprehend, Amazon SageMaker 等如何幫助 Votee 實現這一目標,並且提高效率及降低成本。

35 分鐘
AWS 上的數據驅動型智能建築解決方案 – 合作夥伴 DHS Engineering 的案例分享 (廣東話)
Harry So, General Manager, Smart Connectivity, Intelli Global Corporation (IGC)
Fortune Hui, Partner Solutions Architect, AWS

建築和設施管理可產生大量數據,從能源和水消耗、報警警報、噪音監控到資產 GPS 等。智能建築解決方案連接所有這些子系統,並統一 AWS 平台上的數據,這些數據可轉換為基準建築物狀況的 KPI 分數以進行改進,參與議程深入了解案例以及 AWS 的可持續發展方案。


Anthony Lo
Brian Tsang

Co-Founder, Choco Up

Anthony Lo
Lewis Pong

VP of Product, Choco Up


Votee is an AI driven technology company focused on insights, both in consumer insights and enterprise feedback.  Votee's shelf and bespoke solutions have been helping startups, restaurants, MNC's (regional to global), academic institutions, financial institutions, NGO's and government institutions.   

Votee's mission is to bring the world closer together by understanding our differences.  By democratizing insights, allowing more participation of individuals to contribute their opinions, Votee can help bring light to blindspots within all areas of societies.  


Dr. Allen YU is an experienced bioinformatician and molecular biologist. He received his MSc in Computer Science at the University of Oxford and his PhD in Biochemistry at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. For over a decade he has worked on integrated bioinformatics analysis for different genomic diseases, mainly cancer and neuro diseases. Allen published 1 patent and 24 scientific publications which cover diabetes, cancer, infectious diseases and rare neurogenetic diseases. He also published 3 books on big data analysis and visualisation.     Allen’s research career led him to found Codex Genetics Ltd as its Chief Technology Officer. His teams has curated and transformed recent advances in cancer and neuro-genomics research into clinically actionable insights, aiming to streamline precision clinical trials and personalized medicine services in Asia using latest technologies. Allen is also serving as a lecturer in the Department of Health Technology and Informatics at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Through his consultant role at Diaceutics PLC, he has provided  lectures and consultancy service of the APAC diagnostic market landscape to multinational pharmaceutical companies, such as Amgen, Bayer, Janssen, Merck, Novartis and Roche. 


Votee is an AI driven technology company focused on insights, both in consumer insights and enterprise feedback.  Votee's shelf and bespoke solutions have been helping startups, restaurants, MNC's (regional to global), academic institutions, financial institutions, NGO's and government institutions.  Votee's mission is to bring the world closer together by understanding our differences.  By democratizing insights, allowing more participation of individuals to contribute their opinions, Votee can help bring light to blindspots within all areas of societies.  


In the past 30 years working experience in Energy, Control and IT technology management, Dr. So has been involved in major consulting, design and construct projects for both the private and public sectors.  His clients include NTT Data Center, HSBC, University of Macau, China Sinopec, World Bank and much more.  His analytical experiences include mathematic modelling, cloud development and energy management.  With the research knowledge on the fundamental of computational system analysis, Dr. So has developed skills to handle series of simulation and data analytic projects on various aspects in energy management and design using cloud-based platform.


Gary has over 13 years software development experience in mobile, frontend, backend and data Enthusiastic in ML, Data Science and everything related to Computer Science. He also has MSc in Data-Driven Modeling and BEng in Computer Science, HKUST

Level 100
Sessions are focused on providing an overview of AWS services and features, with the assumption that attendees are new to the topic.
Level 200
Sessions are focused on providing best practices, details of service features and demos with the assumption that attendees have introductory knowledge of the topics.
Level 300
Sessions dive deeper into the selected topic. Presenters assume that the audience has some familiarity with the topic, but may or may not have direct experience implementing a similar solution.
Level 400
Sessions are for attendees who are deeply familiar with the topic, have implemented a solution on their own already, and are comfortable with how the technology works across multiple services, architectures, and implementations.








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Intel® 處理器為部署在 AWS 上的眾多雲端運算服務奠定了基礎。由 Intel® Xeon® 可擴展處理器驅動的 Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) 執行個體在 AWS 區域內具有最大的廣度、全球覆蓋及運算執行個體可用性。

與 Intel 和 AWS 攜手 »


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開始在 AWS 上進行建置

無論您是需要計算能力、數據庫存儲、內容分發,還是其它功能,AWS 都能提供適當服務來幫助您構建複雜的應用程式,同時提高靈活性、可擴展性和可靠性。