Posted On: Oct 24, 2017

AWS Batch now emits CloudWatch Events as your jobs transition from one state to another. In the past, in order to obtain updates on the state of a running AWS Batch job, customers have had to rely on periodically polling the state of each job using the AWS CLI or an SDK. With the new AWS Batch event stream feature, it is now possible to retrieve near real-time, event-driven updates on the state of your AWS Batch jobs. Events are delivered through Amazon CloudWatch Events, and can be routed to any valid CloudWatch Events target, such as an AWS Lambda function or an Amazon SNS topic.

This change is effective today in all AWS Regions supported by AWS Batch. The CloudWatch Events web console will be updated soon, allowing you to create rules based on the AWS Batch event stream.

AWS Batch is currently available in the following regions:

  • US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1
  • US East (Ohio) us-east-2
  • US West (Oregon) us-west-2
  • EU (Ireland) eu-west-1
  • EU (London) eu-west-2
  • EU (Frankfurt) eu-central-1
  • Asia Pacific (Tokyo) ap-northeast-1
  • Asia Pacific (Singapore) ap-southeast-1
  • Asia Pacific (Sydney) ap-southeast-2

For more information on AWS Batch:

Product Page
