Posted On: Nov 15, 2017

Amazon ElastiCache for Redis in-transit and at-rest encryption is now available in AWS GovCloud (US), EU (Frankfurt), EU (London), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Seoul), and Asia Pacific (Mumbai) regions. This announcement brings support for ElastiCache for Redis encryption to all AWS regions except the Asia Pacific (Beijing) region. 

The new encryption in-transit feature enables you to encrypt all communications between clients and Redis server as well as between the Redis servers (primary and read replica nodes). The encryption at-rest feature allows you to encrypt your backups on disk and in Amazon S3. Additionally, you can use the Redis AUTH command for an added level of authentication.

You can start using the new functionality by enabling it at the time of cluster creation via the ElastiCache console or through the API. You don’t have to manage the lifecycle of your certificates because ElastiCache for Redis automatically manages the issuance, renewal, and expiration of your certificates. For more information, see Enabling In-Transit Encryption and Enabling At-Rest Encryption.

There is no additional charge to use this feature. For more information about this feature and Amazon ElastiCache for Redis, see the ElastiCache for Redis FAQs.