Posted On: Jan 15, 2018

You can now develop your AWS Lambda function code in C# using the .NET Core 2.0. Lambda lets you run code without provisioning and managing servers. You can use any of the .NET Core 2.0 libraries or frameworks when authoring your functions in Lambda. Read our documentation for more details.

The easiest way to get started is with the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio, which includes project templates for individual C# Lambda functions, full C# serverless applications, and tools to publish both project types to AWS.

To manually create a C# Lambda function, you simply specify the Lambda runtime parameter as dotnetcore2.0 and upload the ZIP of all NuGet dependencies as well as your own published DLL assemblies through the AWS CLI or AWS Lambda console. You can also use the AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) to deploy and manage serverless applications authored in C#. Support for testing C# functions locally with SAM Local is coming soon. If you have existing C# functions running on 1.0, you can switch to the new runtime by updating your .NET project’s target framework moniker to netcoreapp2.0 and re-deploying the function with the new dotnetcore2.0 runtime.

The .NET Core 2.0 runtime is available in all regions where Lambda is available. For more information on where AWS Lambda is available, see the AWS region table. Please visit our product page for more information about AWS Lambda or log in to the AWS Lambda console to get started.