Posted On: Mar 29, 2018

You can now use Amazon CloudWatch Events to react to resource configuration and compliance change notifications from AWS Config. AWS Config records configuration changes to your AWS resources and evaluates those changes with respect to best practices and internal guidelines according to AWS Config rules. With this launch, you can now use the native capabilities of CloudWatch Events to filter the notifications coming from AWS Config. CloudWatch Events can then trigger specific actions, such as a running an AWS Lambda function, an AWS Systems Manager command, or terminating an Amazon EC2 instance.

You can use this capability to create a CloudWatch Events rule to detect noncomplaint notifications for specific resource types or specific rules and trigger Lambda functions to take corrective action. You can also route configuration change notifications for specific resource types to specific targets such as SNS topics or SQS queues.

This new integration is available in all AWS public Regions where AWS Config is offered and in the AWS GovCloud (US) Region. To see the full list of supported Regions, visit AWS Regions and Endpoints in the AWS General Reference.

For more information on AWS Config see: