Posted On: Sep 6, 2018

AWS CloudFormation Macros perform custom processing on CloudFormation templates from simple actions such as find-and-replace to transformation of entire templates. CloudFormation Macros use the same technology that powers AWS::Include and AWS::Serverless transforms. CloudFormation transforms help simplify template authoring by condensing the expression of AWS infrastructure as code and enabling reuse of template components.

Previously, you could use AWS::Include and AWS::Serverless transforms to process your templates that were hosted by CloudFormation. Now, you can use CloudFormation Macros to create your own custom transforms. For example, you can create common string functions for templates or define short-hand syntaxes for common CloudFormation resources. Click here to learn more about sample macros for your reference.

To learn more about CloudFormation Macros, please visit AWS CloudFormation documentation.

CloudFormation Macros are available in all AWS regions that have AWS Lambda. For a full list of AWS regions where AWS Lambda is available, please visit our Region table.