Posted On: Oct 23, 2018

Amazon ElastiCache now supports the next generation general-purpose and memory-optimized Amazon EC2 M5 and R5 nodes for high-performance applications. Both M5 and R5 nodes are based on the AWS Nitro System and feature Enhanced Networking based on Elastic Network Adapter (ENA), to deliver up to 25 Gbps of aggregate network bandwidth. M5 and R5 nodes are powered by custom Intel® Xeon Scalable processors with a sustained all core frequency of up to 3.1 GHz. These processors also feature Intel’s newest vector processing instruction set, Advanced Vector Extension 512 (AVX-512), for faster processing of high-performance workloads. The general-purpose M5 nodes offer memory size flexibility ranging from 6.38 GiB to 314.32 GiB. The memory optimized R5 nodes offer memory size flexibility of 13.07 GiB to 635.61 GiB. 

The AWS Nitro System, a combination of dedicated hardware and lightweight hypervisor, featured in M5 and R5 nodes, delivers practically all of the compute and memory resources of the host hardware to your nodes for superior performance and better user experience. Amazon ElastiCache has further tuned the M5 and R5 nodes to maximize network performance and CPU utilization, enabling you to support higher throughput and lower latencies than previous generation M4 and R4 instances, at equivalent or lower costs. With support for larger R5.24xlarge nodes, you can set up a 15-shard Redis cluster to scale up to 9.5 TiB of in-memory capacity, and a 20-node cluster for Memcached to support up to 12.7 TiB in-memory capacity. You can always go above these in-memory capacity sizes with service limit increases.

M5 nodes are available in the US East (N. Virginia and Ohio), US West (N. California and Oregon), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Mumbai, Seoul, Singapore, and Sydney), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt, Ireland, London, Paris), South America (Sao Paulo) and AWS GovCloud (US) AWS Regions. R5 nodes are available in the US East (N. Virginia and Ohio), US West (N. California and Oregon), Asia Pacific (Seoul, Singapore, Sydney, and Tokyo), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt, Ireland, London, Paris), and AWS GovCloud (US) AWS Regions. 

You can purchase M5 and R5 nodes as On-Demand. For a full list of available node types, see Supported Node Types in the ElastiCache User Guide. You can get more information on pricing by visiting the ElastiCache pricing page. To deploy Amazon ElastiCache on the new M5 and R5 nodes, please use the AWS Management Console