Posted On: Nov 15, 2018

AWS Direct Connect is announcing the launch of logical redundancy over a single virtual interface for newly-created 1Gbps or 10Gbps dedicated connections at the Equinix SV5, San Jose, CA location.

Prior to this launch, you could create one IPv4 and IPv6 Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) peering each per virtual interface. In the event that BGP peering went down, you would have experienced downtime. With the launch of logical redundancy support, you can establish two IPv4 and IPv6 BGP peerings on two different AWS devices over a single connection. Logical redundancy can reduce downtime when a BGP peering session goes down due to a device failure or maintenance activity.

AWS Direct Connect will enable AWS Direct Connect partners to provide hosted connections at the Equinix SV5, San Jose, CA location. When enabled, hosted connections will support logical redundancy.

To learn more about the logical redundancy support, please refer to the FAQ page for this feature.