Posted On: Sep 25, 2019

Starting today, Amazon RDS for Oracle db.x1 and db.x1e instance classes are now available in additional regions.

  • db.x1 instances are now available in the AWS GovCloud (US-East) and Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) regions.
  • db.x1e instances are now available in the US East (Ohio), AWS GovCloud (US-East), AWS GovCloud (US-West), EU (Frankfurt), Asia Pacific (Seoul) and Asia Pacific (Singapore) regions.

RDS for Oracle db.x1 and db.x1e instance classes were first introduced in May 2018. X1 and X1e instance types provide a high ratio of memory to vCPU, with X1e providing the highest ratio among Amazon EC2 instance types. A high memory to vCPU ratio means you can potentially reduce the number of vCPUs in your deployment, saving you money in two ways: you may reduce your AWS bill by using a lower-cost instance, and you may maximize Oracle license utilization by increasing memory without increasing processor license counts. 

Amazon RDS for Oracle makes it easy to set up, operate, and scale Oracle Database deployments in the cloud. To get started, visit the AWS Management Console, AWS RDS Command Line Interface (CLI), and AWS RDS API. To learn more about pricing and complete regional availability, refer to the Amazon RDS for Oracle pricing page