Posted On: Nov 26, 2019

Amazon Cognito now supports recovery method prioritization, making it easier for developers to customize the flow users experience when they forget their passwords. Developers can specify whether they prefer that users receive a recovery code via SMS or email, and whether they would like to fall back to SMS or email if a verified phone number or email address is not available. This feature is available now in Amazon Cognito User Pools at no additional cost. 

Amazon Cognito User Pools provide a secure user directory that scales to millions of users. As a fully managed service, User Pools provide an identity and authentication layer to applications. 

Recovery method prioritization is available in all regions where Amazon Cognito operates. For a list of regions where Amazon Cognito is available, see the AWS Region table. To learn more about Amazon Cognito, visit the documentation. To get started, visit the Amazon Cognito home page.