Posted On: Nov 13, 2019

You can now launch the next generation general-purpose burstable T3-Standard cache nodes in Amazon ElastiCache. Amazon EC2’s T3-Standard instances provide a baseline level of CPU performance with the ability to burst CPU usage at any time till the accrued credits are exhausted. They offer generational advances in CPU performance that enable a higher overall baseline performance threshold over T2 cache nodes. 

ElastiCache T3-Standard cache nodes accumulate CPU credits when the workload is operating below baseline threshold. Each earned CPU credit provides the cache node the opportunity to burst with the performance of a full CPU core till the accrued credits are exhausted. ElastiCache T3-Standard cache nodes are suitable for entry-level, small and medium cache workloads that may also experience temporary spikes in use. 

T3-Standard cache nodes are available in all AWS Regions. For a full list of available node types, see ElastiCache Supported Node Types. See ElastiCache pricing page for more information on T3 cache node pricing on-demand and Standard RIs. 

You can easily scale up to this new cache node type from T2 cache nodes by modifying your existing ElastiCache cluster. To deploy Amazon ElastiCache on the new T3-Standard nodes, please use the AWS Management Console.