Posted On: Nov 21, 2019

Amazon Transcribe is now available in the Asia Pacific (Tokyo) region. Amazon Transcribe is an automatic speech recognition (ASR) service that makes it easy to add a speech-to-text capability to applications. Organizations can use Amazon Transcribe to create text transcripts of audio and video files quickly.

Amazon Transcribe enables organizations to increase the accessibility and discoverability of their audio and video content. The service is useful across a breadth of use cases. Customer contact centers can convert call recordings into text and analyze the data for actionable intelligence. Media content producers can automate subtitling workflows for greater engagement and accessibility. Enterprises and legal firms that have archives of recorded meetings or court proceedings can make those archives accessible and searchable by transcribing them into useful text that’s demarcated by time stamps. Also, marketers and advertisers can enhance content discovery and display more targeted advertising based on the extracted metadata from video files (such as showing a sports shoe ad in the middle of a football match vs. a cooking show). 

With this launch, Amazon Transcribe is now available in 20 regions including US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), US West (N. California), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Hong Kong), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Canada (Central), China (Beijing), China (Ningxia), EU (Frankfurt), EU (Ireland), EU (London), EU (Paris), South America (Sao Paulo), Middle East (Bahrain), and AWS GovCloud (US-West) regions. To learn more, visit the Amazon Transcribe documentation page