Posted On: Feb 14, 2020

Starting today, Amazon RDS for SQL Server supports joining DB instances to an AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory residing in a different AWS account or VPC. This makes it easier and cost-effective for you to deploy your directory-aware database workloads by reducing the manual configuration to domain join your DB instances and, the need to deploy directories in each account and VPC. Amazon RDS for SQL Server DB instances can now seamlessly join to a directory from any AWS account and any Amazon VPC within an AWS Region.

To join your Amazon RDS DB instances to a domain in a different account, share your AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory from the directory owner account and join the shared domain seamlessly using the AWS Management Console or CLI. Please refer to the Amazon RDS User Guide for more details.

Amazon RDS for SQL Server makes it easy to set up, operate, and scale SQL Server deployments in the cloud. See Amazon RDS for SQL Server Pricing for pricing details and regional availability.