Posted On: Apr 9, 2020

The Amplify Framework is an open source project for building cloud-enabled mobile and web applications, consisting of libraries, UI components, and an interactive CLI toolchain.  

Today, we are releasing a new, rearchitected Amplify UI component library that enables JavaScript developers to easily add authentication scenarios to their web apps. Developers can use the authentication components to quickly add functionality such as sign-in, sign-up, confirm sign-up, forgot password, require new password, verify contact, greetings, and OTP to their apps. The authentication components include numerous improvements over previous versions, including the ability to automatically sign-in users after sign-up confirmation, more granular customizability (leveraging the HTML slot element), and improved accessibility. Developers can extensively theme these UI components to suit their requirements using the capabilities powered by CSS variables.

Developers can easily add the authentication components to their app using the React, Angular, and Vue bindings that include full TypeScript support. The new authentication components leverage shared Web Components (browser feature that provides a standard component model for the Web), enabling consistent UI styling, interactions, and feature parity whether using React, Angular, or Vue. 

This release also includes modularized Amplify JavaScript library (v3) with tree shaking support that enables developers to reduce the bundle size of their applications. In addition, the API module is now split in to GraphQL and REST modules which further reduces the size of the application bundle if you are using only one of those two modules.

For more details on how to use the new UI Component library and modularized Amplify JavaScript library, refer to our blog post. To learn more about Amplify Framework, please visit our documentation website.