Posted On: Jun 12, 2020

Today, AWS Service Catalog is releasing delegated administrator portfolio sharing, which enables administrators to more easily distribute and manage AWS services across multiple AWS accounts. Service Catalog administrators can now share services from multiple member accounts within their AWS Organization.  

With this new feature, administrators can designate specific member accounts to share Service Catalog portfolios with their organization. Each of these accounts becomes a hub in the Service Catalog hub-and-spoke sharing model. Hub account administrators can share portfolios to any organizational unit or member account. Spoke account administrators then provide end-users with access to imported portfolios. This provides Service Catalog administrators with the flexibility to create and manage multiple hub accounts for sharing AWS services within their organization.  

Service Catalog delegated administrator portfolio sharing is available via the AWS API, CLI, and Service Catalog console in all AWS commercial and GovCloud Regions. To learn more, see the documentation on Service Catalog portfolio sharing