Posted On: Sep 2, 2020

We are excited to announce that management (payer) accounts can now set up AWS Cost & Usage reports at a monthly level. The AWS Cost & Usage Report contains the most comprehensive set of billing data available. In addition to the amount and corresponding cost of your AWS service usage it also includes metadata such as cost allocation tags and Cost Categories that you created, pricing and product information from the AWS Price List API, as well as your Savings Plan and Reserved Instance details.

With this release, you will be able to set up a Cost & Usage report that includes a daily update of cost and usage data to a monthly summary. This monthly file will include all of the columns in an hourly or daily Cost & Usage report but will result in a smaller overall file size. Most Monthly Cost & Usage reports will be a single file that can be opened using tools like Excel. The exact file size varies depending on the volume of AWS service usage and whether you decide to include resource IDs in your reports.

A monthly Cost & Usage Report can be integrated with AWS analytics services, such as Amazon QuickSight and AWS Athena.

To get started, visit Create a Cost & Usage report.