Posted On: May 25, 2021
AWS IoT is excited to announce the public preview of “Job Templates” for AWS IoT Device Management Jobs. Job Templates make deploying remote actions faster, easier, and more secure. IoT developers and fleet administrators can pre-define the remote operations to be executed on their IoT devices, and specify key deployment parameters like rollout rates, abort thresholds, and timeout criteria. Fleet operators and technicians who focus on fleet monitoring and troubleshooting can identify and select specific groups of devices as targets, and use these pre-defined Job Templates to securely deploy remote actions to their targets.
IoT Developers and Fleet Administrators can use the AWS IoT Console or CLI to create Job Templates. These templates can be created either from scratch, or by using metadata from a previous successful Job run. Once created, Fleet administrators can provide non-technical Fleet Operators and Technicians policy-based access to Job Templates for use in fleet management applications like AWS IoT Fleet Hub. Fleet Operators and Technicians can use authorized Job Templates to deploy remote actions directly from their fleet management applications - with no additional code.
Job Templates will be available in all regions where AWS IoT Device Management Jobs is available, and will be free to create. When you deploy Job Templates to your devices, you will be charged per remote action as specified on our pricing page. To get started with creating and using Job Templates, visit the AWS IoT Console or use the AWS CLI. To learn more about how AWS IoT Device Management Jobs works, visit the AWS IoT Device Management website and read our documentation.