Posted On: Jul 28, 2021

Today, we are excited to announce that you can now automatically setup Amazon CodeGuru Profiler on your Lambda functions from within the Lambda console. This makes it easier for you to understand your Lambda function’s runtime and optimize their performance and costs.

Amazon CodeGuru is a developer tool that provides intelligent recommendations to improve code quality and identify an application’s most expensive lines of code. Amazon CodeGuru Profiler helps developers identify performance improvement opportunities for applications running in production and provides recommendations that can help fine-tune the application’s performance. Previously, if customers wanted to enable profiling with CodeGuru on their Lambda functions, they would had to follow a multistep manual process. Now, for supported runtimes including Python 3.8, Java8.al2, and Java11, customers can enable profiling of their Lambda functions with just a few clicks. CodeGuru Profiler performs the previously manual steps (i.e. creating profiling group, required permissions, environment variables, etc.) automatically, so customers can quickly get started and receive insights into how to improve the performance of their Lambda functions.

You can set up CodeGuru Profiler on your Lambda functions using the new automated onboarding process from the AWS Console. For detailed instructions on set up, please see the set up documentation. After you're set up, you can learn more about how to profile your applications that run on Lambda functions by reading the profiling documentation.

To learn more about CodeGuru Profiler and AWS Lambda, take a look at the Amazon CodeGuru page or the AWS Lambda page.