Posted On: Nov 18, 2021

AWS Audit Manager now offers a dashboard to simplify your audit preparations with at-a-glance views of your evidence collection status per control. You can instantly track the progress of your audit assessments relative to common control domains. These control domains are general categories of controls, not specific to any one framework that allow customers to quickly assess status on common themes (E.g.- track overall issues in Identity and Compliance control domain).

The dashboard highlights all active assessment controls that have failed evidences, and groups them by control domains. This enables you to focus on remediation efforts by specific subject matter experts as you prepare for your audits. You can either view evidence metrics at account level across all audits or at individual audit assessment level. Moreover, the dashboard not only helps you to visualize but also download control details that have failed evidences in a comma-delimited format. You can spot potential issues faster and remediate them by bringing related stakeholders together, thus reducing the time and cost you spend in auditing your AWS resources.

The Audit Manager dashboard feature is available in all regions where AWS Audit Manager is available, specifically, US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), US West (N. California), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (Ireland) and Europe (London).

Learn more about the dashboard feature in our feature page and refer to our documentation. Get started today by visiting the AWS Audit Manager Console, AWS Command Line Interface, or APIs.