Posted On: Mar 2, 2022

Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for PostgreSQL and for MySQL now supports a new Multi-AZ deployment option with one primary and two readable standby database (DB) instances across three Availability Zones (AZs). This deployment option is optimized for write transactions and is ideal when your workloads require lower write latency, automated failovers, and more read capacity.

Amazon RDS Multi-AZ deployments provide enhanced availability and durability for Amazon RDS DB instances, making them a natural fit for production database workloads. Although continuing to use network storage for durability, this new deployment option optimizes transaction commit performance using local instance storage on your choice of AWS Graviton2 R6gd or M6gd DB instances. This configuration supports up to 2x faster transaction commits than a Multi-AZ DB instance deployment with one standby, without compromising data durability. Automated failovers in this configuration typically take under 35 seconds. In addition, the standby DB instances can also serve read traffic without needing to attach additional read replica DB instances. You can connect to your readable standby DB instances by using a managed read-only endpoint or the individual endpoints of each reader instance.

The new Amazon RDS Multi-AZ deployment option is now available in the US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), and Europe (Ireland) regions. It is available for Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL version 13.4 and Amazon RDS for MySQL (version 8.0.28).

Create or update a fully managed Amazon RDS Multi-AZ database with two readable standby instances in the Amazon RDS Management Console.

Learn more about The Amazon RDS Multi-AZ deployments in the Amazon RDS User Guide and in the AWS News Blog