Posted On: Apr 21, 2022

Sensitive data detection and processing in AWS Glue is now generally available. This feature uses pattern matching and machine learning to automatically detect Personal Identifiable Information (PII) and other sensitive data at both the column and cell levels during an AWS Glue job run. AWS Glue includes options to log the type of PII and its location as well as to take action on it.

Sensitive data detection in AWS Glue identifies a variety of PII and other sensitive data like credit card numbers. It helps customers take action, such as tracking it for audit purposes or redacting the sensitive information before writing records into a data lake. AWS Glue Studio’s visual, no-code interface lets users include Sensitive Data Detection as a step in a data integration job. It lets customers choose the type of personal information to detect as well as specify follow-on actions including redaction and logging. Customers can also define their own custom detection patterns for their unique needs.

This feature is now available in the following AWS Regions: US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), and US West (Oregon).

To learn more, visit our documentation.