Posted On: Apr 5, 2022

Today, we are pleased to announce the general availability of IoT Device Defender ListMetricValues API. Customers can now access historical device-side, cloud-side, and custom metrics from connected devices that belong to a security profile using ListMetricValues API. In addition to viewing the data in the AWS IoT management console, customers now have the flexibility to programmatically monitor and build their own visualization. What’s more, we have made the AWS IoT Device Defender metrics visualization available in Fleet Hub for AWS IoT Device Management. This enhancement enables customers to view the defender metrics together with other device and fleet level data for issue diagnosis and fleet management in Fleet Hub as a one-stop shop. This new API and the integration with Fleet Hub are available in AWS Global Regions where AWS IoT Device Defender and Fleet Hub for AWS IoT Device Management are available.

Customers can get started with IoT Device Defender ListMetricValues API by creating defender metrics from the AWS IoT console or AWS Command Line Interface the same way they do today. Fleet administrators can now obtain metrics value by calling the ListMetricValues API after finishing defender metrics set-up. Fleet operators and technicians can also take advantage of defender metrics directly in the Fleet Hub for AWS IoT Device Management. Customers who have already configured the defender metrics can start viewing the metrics in Fleet Hub applications without additional configuration. Using the ListMetricValues API and viewing Defender Metrics in Fleet Hub are both free of charge, but you will continue to incur costs for capturing metrics, which is based on the number of metric datapoints reported to AWS IoT Device Defender. You can visit the ListMetricValues API documentation and Fleet Hub for AWS IoT Device Management documentation to learn more.