Posted On: Apr 20, 2022

AWS Step Functions expands integration with the AWS SDK by expanding support for over 20 new AWS SDK integrations and over 1000 new AWS API actions.

AWS Step Functions is a low-code, visual workflow service that developers use to build distributed applications, automate IT and business processes, and build data and machine learning pipelines using over 10,000 API actions from over 200+ AWS services. With this enhancement you can now integrate with new services such as AWS Panorama, a machine learning appliance and software development kit that brings computer vision to on-premise internet protocol cameras, improving supply chain visibility or monitoring congestions at airports.

The enhancements to AWS SDK integration are now generally available in the following regions: US East (Ohio and N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Canada (Central), Europe (Ireland, London and Frankfurt), and Asia Pacific (Tokyo). We are working on launching in all other commercial regions where Step Functions is available in the coming weeks. For a complete list of regions and service offerings, see AWS Regions.

To learn more about the enhancements including AWS SDK integration, read the Developer Guide, and try building a state machine using our AWS SDK integration tutorial.