Posted On: May 17, 2022
Amazon CloudWatch is introducing enhancements to the console experience, which improve dashboard data visualizations and console navigation. The enhancements include new dashboard widgets as well as more options to access frequently used dashboards, log groups and alarms.
At launch, customers can use three new or improved widgets to get an enhanced view of their system health. The gauge widget lets you visualize a number, such as memory utilization, in the context of minimum and maximum values. This allows you to easily see how close you are to a pre-determined threshold and proactively address any resulting issue, such as increasing memory capacity when you are close to a threshold representing capacity limits. We have also added a sparkline feature to the number widget, which helps you see the trend line of a number, so you can see how the latest value performs relative to recent history. And finally, with the new mini-map feature of the line widget, you can now zoom in within a line graph without losing the overall time range. This enables you to more easily navigate between different spikes and troughs without having to zoom out first.
In addition, CloudWatch now allows you to more easily find frequently used dashboards, alarms and log groups. Customers can access favorited and recently visited custom and automatic dashboards, alarms, and log groups from the Favorites and recents option in the navigation panel.
The new console experience is now available in all AWS commercial regions at no additional cost and you can start using it immediately. To learn more about creating dashboard widgets, please refer to our documentation. Or to see the extended capabilities for favorite and recent dashboard, alarms and log groups, refer to this documentation.