Posted On: May 26, 2022

AWS Launch Wizard announces support for SQL Server Always On Failover Cluster Instances (FCI) with Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP. Now you can use a simple console wizard to deploy SQL Server FCI on Amazon EC2 with FSx for NetApp ONTAP as the shared storage. This feature will save you time and effort replacing a complex manual deployment process with a simple to use, guided wizard that accelerates the migration of your on-premises SQL Server workloads that rely on shared storage.

AWS Launch Wizard enables you to easily size, configure, and deploy SQL Server workloads on EC2. Customers choose SQL Server FCI for high availability because of its license-cost efficiency and simplified administration. FSx for NetApp ONTAP provides fully managed shared storage with the popular data access and management capabilities of ONTAP. You can now choose FSx for NetApp ONTAP as the FCI shared storage option in the Launch Wizard console. In addition, you can enable one-click monitoring of SQL Server with CloudWatch Application Insights to simplify post-deployment configuration. You can also choose to save the CloudFormation templates and associated configuration scripts to your Amazon S3 bucket for repeated deployments.

AWS Launch Wizard for SQL Server is available at no additional charge. You only pay for the AWS resources that are provisioned for running your SQL Server. To learn more about using AWS Launch Wizard, visit the AWS Launch Wizard page and technical documentation.