Posted On: Jun 1, 2022

You can now learn to use AWS Step Functions with a new workshop called The AWS Step Functions Workshop. This self-paced tutorial teaches you how to use the primary features of Step Functions through a series of interactive modules. Each module contains lesson materials you can deploy to your AWS account, covering topics such as coordinating and orchestrating application workflows, managing workflow states, creating SDK integrations with other AWS services, and more.

AWS Step Functions is a low-code, visual workflow service that you can use to connect to over 220 AWS services and 10,000 API actions. Developers use Step Functions to build distributed applications, automate IT and business processes, and create data and machine learning pipelines. With this launch you now can get hands-on experience building resilient workflows with robust error handling using Step Functions in a workshop environment.

The workshop is self-service, so you can progress at your own pace. Each module builds upon the knowledge gained from the previous module. However, the modules are technically independent so participants can pick their lessons and choose to learn in any order. Besides teaching how to build Step Functions workflows, the workshop also shows how to deploy them using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK), a framework that enables you to build applications in the cloud with the power of a programming language.

This workshop is available today. To learn more or get started, please see The AWS Step Functions Workshop.