Posted On: Jul 27, 2022
AWS Step Functions expands its AWS SDK integrations with support for 3 more AWS Services and 195 more AWS API actions which brings the total to 223 AWS Services and 10,000+ API Actions.
AWS Step Functions is a low-code, visual workflow service that developers use to build distributed applications, automate IT and business processes, and build data and machine learning pipelines using direct integrations with 223 AWS Services. Now with support for Amazon Pinpoint API 2.0, an outbound and inbound marketing communications service, you can directly manage your SMS and voice setup as part of a workflow. With support for AWS Billing Conductor, you can customize billing data and reporting as part of your workflow in a way that aligns with your business logic or business units. We have also added support for Amazon GameSparks, a managed service providing backend feature tools for building, running, and scaling games. In addition to these new AWS Services, you can now call additional API actions from already supported services such as AWS Glue, which is a serverless data integration service that makes it easy to discover, prepare, and combine data.
The enhancements to AWS SDK integrations make it easy to build workflows that use a variety of AWS services using AWS Step Functions. These enhancements are now generally available in the following regions: US East (Ohio and N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Canada (Central), Europe (Ireland and Milan), Africa (Cape Town) and Asia Pacific (Tokyo). The remaining commercial regions where Step Functions is available will be available in the coming weeks. For a complete list of regions and service offerings, see AWS Regions.
To learn more about the enhancements including AWS SDK integration, read the Developer Guide, and try building a state machine using our AWS SDK integration tutorial.