Posted On: Nov 30, 2022

Amazon Redshift launches the preview of auto-copy support to simplify data loading from Amazon S3 into Amazon Redshift. You can now setup continuous file ingestion rules to track your Amazon S3 paths and automatically load new files without the need for additional tools or custom solutions. 

Amazon Redshift customers run COPY statements to load data into their local tables from various data sources including Amazon S3. You can now store a COPY statement into a Copy Job, which automatically loads the new files detected in the specified Amazon S3 path. Copy Jobs track previously loaded files and exclude them from the ingestion process. Their activity can be monitored using the system tables. Copy Jobs can also be executed manually to reuse copy statements and prevent data duplication when automated loading is not needed.

The Redshift auto-copy support from Amazon S3 is available as a preview for provisioned clusters in the following AWS Regions: US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Europe (Ireland) and Europe (Stockholm). 

To get started with this feature, visit the preview documentation.